Quite a Gal (Mobster! Raph X Female! Reader)

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(A/N): this oneshot is an AU where instead of the boys being in modern day they're back in the past. Naturally as Mutant Mobsters, if you guys like this idea lemme know and I'll be happy to write all the boys in this world as well as explain in more detail how this will all work!

Tbh this idea came from me listening to swing step and deciding to just write, so sit back relax and enjoy your time here in 1920!

Happy reading!

Key: (F/I) = First Initial
Moll = slang for a mobster's girlfriend

What kinda gal could say she knew a boy in a mob? And what kinda gal would even dare to say she may as well be smitten over him? You certainly didn't think you'd be the type. But well, you were that kinda gal.

You didn't know that exactly how you could let a thing like that happen,  but somehow you fell into a web of the mob. (In your defense completely by accident.)

When you'd think back to it you wanted to roll your eyes at your self. Stuck in a department store ducked behind a display counter with a member of said mob. You could hear commotion on the other side and gripped the gun handed to you tighter holding your breath.

It all started about a month ago. Back when you still worked at your parents diner.

Now mutants weren't an unusual thing to see out on the streets. You knew about them. Everyone did. Though they preferred to be called yokai, not that anyone listened. The people these days just called them brutes or mutants when ever they'd see them or they'd get in the way while they were walking. (Though you preferred to call them by their names. What kinda fella or gal wouldn't do a thing like that? Human decency! Or how about equal rights.)

But fate was a funny thing and a simple gust of wind could change a persons destiny. Life liked to play its game and luck would have it that you had wandered into the alleyway with fresh trash from the family diner, in the middle of a gang shoot out! (Or well brewing up to be.)

Now it didn't take a genius to see just what was happening. You had taken a moment to assess just what was going on, but when you realized your blood ran cold. This wasn't just some fellas lookin for a fight this was a mob standoff!

Everyone knew who Big Mama was. It wasn't hard to pick her boys off the street. After all she ran one of the biggest mobs in New York. And you recognized her goons anywhere. But the poor fella behind you wasn't apart of them.

When you had taken a moment to look at him you noticed he was a short kinda of guy. Wearing an orange suit and matching hat looking out over your shoulder. He looked like a deer in head lights when you turned to look at him dropping the trash straight to the floor that day.

"Move!" One of big mama's goons had shouted at you.
"Or we'll shoot ya both full of led."

You had turned to look back, your mind reeling. What was going on? Were they picking on the boy behind you just to be bullies? You couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline at the thought. How dare they! No one was about to put anyone six feet under in the alley way of your restaurant! Not to mention that poor fella.

"No!" You gasped suddenly looking around for a weapon. You were fuming finding a wooden slab against the bin picking it up off the ground holding it like a baseball bat.
"You betta leave before I give you what for you!-you!-Well it doesn't matter what ya are! Leave the fella alone and get outta here!"

The boys in front of you seemed like they wanted to laugh at you, ready to peruse anyway, smirks and smiles against their lips. They had taken one step forward, but then something landed behind you making them hesitate. That's when you met him, heard his voice for the first time.

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