* Chapter 1 *

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The buzzer loudly roared through the stage signaling our game was finally over.

We beat the Lakers, it seemed to be that a black man was watching me in the crowd. Like he was proud. Proud of what though? My fan's are proud but he was too proud. I shook my head erasing my scampering thoughts.

I ran over to my boy, Ray and Rat. They were twins but you could tell the difference. Well, at least I could.

I was enthusiastic about first playing Basketball, I've been playing for about four years now.

I'm only twenty four and a beautiful girlfriend. Yeah, I do plan on getting her a nice ring but just not right now.

Not at this hectic moment. Every team wants me, including the team I just faced but I can't leave my boys. Not my team. I grew up on this team, we're called The Potentials.

I don't know why and don't ask me why.

"Aye yo boys, we got the win tonight!" I hollered as everyone of the team members cheered to my win.

I made the last bucket to inform our win tonight and I was proud as can be. I looked to my right staring at the man still staring a hole into me through the crowd with his nerd glasses on along with his wife and a child.

Is this nigga on some gay shit? The way he biting his lip and staring at me making me feel like he want me. It's mad uncomfortable.

"Well to the locker boys. Let's go! Let's go!" I yelled, we all flooded to the locker room tearing off our sweaty t-shirts, wiping off our foreheads and drinking our Gatorade's.

I licked my dry lips staring at my wonderful team. "Thanks to us, we all took this win tonight. Tomorrow is the big day though, do not slack and I mean it! Or that's your ass.. Cinnamon!" I hollered, everyone snickered and clowned Cinnamon who was staring at us smirking.

"Man fuck y'all!" He retorted joining our laugh, it soon died down.

"Alright so I want everyone to get some good lovin' from they girls tonight, a good ass meal and some feet rubbin' cause tomorrow we gotta be ready. Practice at six boys. Be ready, our game is at eight twenty five. Be here by eight. No later or sooner. Maybe sooner. Goodnight boys." I screamed afterwards smirking.

Our head coach walked in. "Aye Brown lemme talk to ya' " He smirked as I followed him into his office.

"Wassup coach?" I asked sniffling my nose. He raised an eyebrow biting his lip.

"You have so many opportunities, why are you here? This team is shit. You know it Brown. I'm not saying leave, but just consider it. You're our best player on the team and I wouldn't want ya' to be here on this shitty ass team when you could be doing better things in a better life." He explained handing me a business card as I nodded walking out.

Coach Spikes already know the deal, I don't care if it's the biggest team in the world, I refuse to leave my one and only team who made me into the player I am today.

I grabbed my gym Nike bag, hooking it onto my shoulder grabbing my Lebron 12's. I gave the boys our hand sign indicating I'm out and left out to my Bugatti. I hopped in headed on my way home.

Convicted Choices{Book 1} *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now