* Chapter 3 *

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-Tashay Pov-

The Next Morning(10:00am)
I cuddled in Chris's arms as he slept, his firm grip was letting me know I wasn't going anywhere. "Chris." I whispered trying to move my arms. His grip was so tight,I could barely feel the circulation going through my skull. His grip slowly became bearable as I thumped his forehead causing him to groan. "Ow." He groaned letting me go. I smirked getting out of the bed with my pink and black lace panty set.

Me and Chris actually didn't have sex last night, just a little finger action if you know what I mean. I walked into the bathroom getting ready to brush my teeth when Chris walked in pulling out his Long John and whipping it at the toilet. "Ew Chris, your nasty! I'm brushing my teeth." I slurred as the toothpaste ran down the side of my mouth. He came over after he was done peeing licking the side of my face where the tooth paste was I mushed his face. I love my baby.

At Tashay's Job
I'm a fashion designer, I design fashion, there's nothing more too it. I'm also a lawyer, I feel accomplished very much. "Hello Mrs.Wingston you seem to be having trouble finding something?" I assisted smiling, I hated this bitch with the last gut in me but I was willing to care about my job and not get fired even though I'm like the head boss except there's one more before me way at the top. Brandy. I hate her. She back stabbed me, end of story.

"Yes,yes. Do you have these in a size twelve? For my daughter. It's almost her birthday, she's turning twenty seven. We're having this big beloved party. You should come sweetness, you work so hard and deserve a day off hun." She smiled with that fake ass smile along with her dentured teeth, I wish I could knock out every last one of them. Fake ass bitch.

"Oh,that's nice. Tell your beloved Cassandra I said hello and happy early birthday. I won't be able to make it but we do have a size twelve, right here." I said grabbing the one right next to the one she picked out. Is she blind or stupid?

"Thank you honeybun sweety pie moon crusher." She smirked walking away flipping her hair from side to side,or should I say her wig. I rolled my eyes scoffing, "Bitch." I murmured scrunching up my nose as I walked back to my desk in the back. All my workers were out sick because of I have no idea.

Tori walked in eyeing my store, I smirked walking out. "Hello,do you need any help?" I asked looking at her look at this red thong as she jumped. Nearly jumping out her body, "I don't want any help from you. " She snickered snatching up the red thong heading to the restrooms, key is needed so I hope she feels stupid tryna be stupid.

I shook my head laughing walking towards another customer.

At The End Of The Day(6:00pm)
I was closing up the shop for another quick lunch when a thick black woman walked in coughing. She had on a long trench coat looking a little suspicious. I went to the back turning the camera's on zoom, I walked back out walking over to her slowly with my razor ready to blade. She picked up a pink half shirt that read Bo$$ Bitch staring at it. She threw it across the room at the cash register before turning around pointing her glock at my face.

I put my hands up in surrender, but little does this bitch know, I'm not like them other bitches. I'm wise. Why she tryna shoot my nice ass shop up though? She jealous? Fuck.

"You da' one dat' got away. Ant lookin' fa' ya' boyfriend. Whea' he at? You one fine piece a meat, can't wait ta' take ya' home in ma' crib. Rod we on our way na'." He spoke. He grasped my arms as I tried to fight him.

"You're a cute piece of meat yourself." I played along with his little deluted act. He was sick and he knew it but why would he want me? Only me? With the life I'm living I'm sure he wants it but still, why me? God if you're listening please keep this man away from me with his disgusting touch. I thought it was a woman the way it's body is shaped.

I walked over to him, razor ready to blade grabbing onto his collar, he licked his lips looking into my hazel eyes. His orbs translated to my thighs, that's when I struck the blade into his neck. "Shit face." I mumbled grabbing my cellphone and calling the police.



I waited for the police as he slowly died out of power along with blood. After a while of sitting behind the register staring at his body stop moving I got tired and called Chris. He picked up on the second to last ring, "Hey baby." He cooed sounding breathless.

"You at Basketball practice?" I asked biting my lip, I picked up my purse stuffing my jewelry into it. "Yeah, where you at? You left so sudden." He said, I shook my head like he could see me. "I'm at the shop. I'm scared bae, this man which I thought was a woman came into the shop and threw a shirt so I walked up to him and he pointed a gun at me. Someone going by the name of Ant and Rod, as he says into the phone." I started as I grabbed the keys to the shop walking to the door.

"Word? I'm on my way. Go in the office and lock the door now. Hurry up, they people you don't wanna mess wit'. Hurry up bae! They crazy! They-" He tried to finish but the lights shut off causing me to drop my iPhone. Thank God it didn't shatter.

Who turned off these lights? The lights are only connected to.. My office! I snapped out of my thoughts running to the door, I ran back turning around not even seeing a thing. I snatched the knife out of his neck running to the door. I pushed and pulled on the door hoping it would open but it didn't budge. "Help! Help!" I screamed kicking and punching the door. I looked over to a shadow getting closer and closer.

I grabbed the hard heavy vase beside me, I looked at the figure who was seconds a way from snatching me up then threw the vase through the glass doors of my shop. The alarm sounded off as I jumped out about to run when a firm grip snatched me back. My shirt never ripping yet my neck suffocating.

"P-Please. Let. M-Me. G-Go. " I slurred attempting to pry the shirt out of my neck. I was snatched up just like that. All I seen was black with a gun pointed to my head, "Hey ma' baby. I hope you have a nice night at my house." Were the last words spoken or even recognized.

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