- Chapter 12 -

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-Nicki Pov-
I watched as Stephen Curry played on this basketball court, I'd came here with my date, he was really nice and his name was Alex. Alex Burnley. These tickets were worth it, Steph was really killin' shit tonight against The Lakers, in my opinion The Lakers sucked ass, with no problem they were good at sucking ass.

Alex moved his hand onto my thigh rubbing it, I slightly slid my eyes to look at his sexy muscular hand, I licked my lips winking at him then turning my attention back to the game. All of a sudden we flashed on the big screen, I furrowed my eyebrows just smiling to play it off.

"Onika Tanya Maraj? Is that you? Yeah this is Amanda, your girlfriend while your out on a date, he told me himself he was taking you out. You're a lying, cheating ass fake as a bitch and I hate you! Come get your shit, I'm done here. Thanks everyone, thank Onika for ruining your game. Have a nice night. "She yelled over the speaker before dropping the mic and storming off. My heart instantly shattered as I stared at Alex who had a confused expression on his face, I stood up slapping him across his face then storming off after her. Everyone was staring and booing me off.



Did she think she could just embarrass me in front of h world nationwide? Everyone will be talking about this shit! I'll handle it my own way. I'll handle it my fucking own way.

I got home just in time for her to be sitting on the porch on the phone, I snatched the phone from her ear throwing it onto the sidewalk shattering it to pieces. She stood up smacking me hard across my face, I attacked her throwing blows to her face, chest, anywhere I could. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt, we were having a brawl after that, just fighting.

Once we got tired she looked at me before leaving in her car, I sniffled going into the house grabbing all of my cash and leaving. I had to get my mind off of her somehow, the club was the way to do it.

I took off my top showing my exposed breasts, I left my green lace panties on as I walked into the strip club, my job that Amanda never knew about. This was an all women's club anyway, I don't think she'd wanna' be here anyway. I walked onto the pole climbing it and doing all my tricks that gained me money. I picked up the money stuffing it into my panties.

My best stripper friend, Alena walked up behind me grabbing my ass as we stood onto the wall in the backroom, I stood still as she massaged my ass. I turned around as she backed me up into the wall before laying her lips onto mine. Our lips synced as I held her ass and we kissed, she was so irresistible, I would've never thought she even wanted me.

She stuck her finger into me as she went in and out, X our boss walked in clearing his throat, we split up like black people hearing gunshots. No offense, I am black as we see, I'm Nicki bitch.

She left awkwardly as I stared at X, "You cheatin' in me wit' ma' own bitch?" He snapped grabbing my waist and throwing me into his body, hard. "No X, she came onto me. I wasn't gonna' resist a sexy bitch." I explained looking down, he licked my lips sticking his tongue into my mouth as our tongues danced together, he somehow stuck his dick inside of me without warning. He went in and out as we kissed. He soon came into me before pulling out. "Get to work." He ordered leaving out. Why did he do this to me? Lead me on then fuck other bitches. What a nigga. What a nigga. He was something else, catching feelings was something you couldn't resist doing but your heart cannot resist something so soft to it.

I sighed wiping my fallen tears, I put on my extra maid outfit before walking out on the stage smiling with my fake smile. Time to make this money once again..another day another dollar... Or two.

-Grezell Pov-
I rested my head on his chest, we were both breathing heavily, the only sound in the room being made was our two breathing syncing together, I knew this was wrong to do this to my long lost bestfriend but I had feelings for her man. I refuse to tell her but that day he came onto me, I couldn't resist.

We've been messing around for about three years now, I feel like I'm getting way too attached, I try not to call but I'm starting to catch deep feelings for this boy. Our rules were do not catch feelings, do not call me unless I call you first, and do not come to my house looking for me.

He pushed my head up sighing, "Get up,babe." He mumbled. I stared at him confused before I got the hint, he began putting back on his clothes as I watched angrily. "Tyrese, I'm pregnant." I sighed all into one breath. He looked at me like I had two heads rushing his face into his hands as he mumbled the words "No. No. No."

"Damn, is it that bad to have a baby by me?"

"You don't understand Grezell, I have a fiancé and a child, I cannot just up and have another one. God I knew this would happen! I just should've stopped fucking around with you from the start! Ugh I'm so damn stupid. Now Sandra's gonna leave me for good." He semi hollered grabbing his shoes and slipping them on.

He rushed out without saying a word, did he believe me? What was I to think he was the one? I was dumb. Dumb in love. Now that he got me fuckin' up, he gone' leave, like the others. Nothin' I can say though. Something I should pray on though. I smiled to myself, I always knew I could write sing lyrics but never tried.

I breathed in and out before singing whatever words came into my head, it was all about my feelings at the moment. I didn't care if it rhymed or not, only my feelings were expressed.

"He don't believe me. Yeah. He don't want it, noo. This moment got me feelin' like I'm nothin' but waisted. Waisted off ya' love, waisted off ya' love. Don't see me tryna' judge, see me tryna' love. You lookin' all good up in this club , feelin' on ma' butt-" I began singing when claps filled the room, I jumped throwing my head over to the door's direction.

"You're a great singer. You made that one up? It could use slight work but you still did great. Are you Grezell Cartwright?" A man with white teeth and a beige business suit asked walking in and sitting at my island. I nodded embarrassed, I hadn't even noticed him from the corner.

"I'm a music producer, call me anytime." He smiled handing me his card then disappearing without notice, this should be the first step to getting my life back on track.

Convicted Choices{Book 1} *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now