* Chapter 23 *

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-Tasha Pov-
"Okay mom! I understand! What're you yelling for again? Please remind me cause I doubt I give any fucks right now." I spazzed at my mother who followed behind me as I jogged up the stairs to my room which was located in her house.

"Who. The. Fuck. Are. You. Talking. To?" She debriefed crossing her arms across her chest forcefully.

I rolled my eyes stuffing all of my clothing into a spare suitcase I'd bought last summer. She walked over to me seizing my suitcase engendering everything to collapse onto the carpeted floor.

"Ugh! You fucking bitch. I swear you care for nooone but yourself, I fucking hate you. Swallow your fucking spit and choke off and just die! I swear your- ugh just shut the fuck up!" I bellowed leaving an echo in the room.

She looked astonished and distressed quickly fading it away with anger and sorrow. Her face turned from soft to cold real quick.

"And I'm sorry. Sorry that I birthed a little bitch of a daughter like you. I should've let your uncle rape you. Kill you. Hurt you, just like you hurt me." She stated, coldly emphasizing the word hurt.

It took everything in me not to punch her across her face yet I was too slow to realize once my fist drawed back connecting with her eye it was already too late.

She clutched her eye in her free hand groaning in pain, she uncovered her eye drawing her fist back and punching me directly in my nose. I stumbled back surprised she'd even raised her hand to my face.

Before ten minutes even passed I regretted it but I was on top of her throwing blows from left to right. After a while I stumbled off of her kicking her in her ribcage, I shoved my charger from off the bed into my hands.

I jogged down the steps one at a time prepping myself for this moment coming soon.

I rushed out the door slamming it behind me, rushing up to the car I almost tripped over a sudden found rock lying on the concrete.

I finally regained my balance being able to continue my walk to my car.

I got in wasting no time to start it off and drive off. I didn't know where to go. Except the only place I knew I'd be welcomed.

Turning up the music I sing along as I drove towards the only house I knew I'd be accepted at with no hesitation.

"Ambitions of a rida, rida, rida. My ambitions of a rida,rida,rida-"

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I turned the radio on mute before fetching my phone from my pocket, I smiled to myself answering.

"Hellooo" I cheered smiling from ear to ear, Why was I smiling?

"Aye Tasha, you know where Tashay at? I been lookin fa her for forever." He beamed through the phone sending chills down my body with his deep voice. It seemed as if he was just waking up or either he tired out if his mind.

I sighed taping my nails onto the wheel waiting for the red light to turn. "Uh I'm on my way over now. We can talk then." I assured him licking my lips at the pictures going through my head at seeing him naked.

"Ight.." He trailed before I hung up right before pulling into his driveway. I shut off my car staring at my vibrating phone. I was deciding on answering or ignoring the call.

I decided to answer placing the phone to my ear. "What?" I semi whispered creeping up to the gates.

The camera landed on me before the gates opened completely allowing me to jog up to the vista.

Convicted Choices{Book 1} *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now