- Chapter 16 -

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-Chris Pov-
Tashay had left earlier due to our little argument about what she was wearing, I didn't approve of it at all but its whatever I guess. I just didn't like how her skirt was a little bit short. It was a mini skirt but still, I'm only aloud to see that shit.

Sighing I called her for the fourth time this hour, her evident voicemail pronounced once again. "Hi I'm sorry I'm unable to receive your call at this time due to my busy schedule but please leave a voicemail at the beep, have a great day." Her voicemail rang through my speaker before the beep sounded.

"Shay where are you? I'm sorry baby, I planned on just watching movies wit' chu' but bein' da' stubborn person you is, you left. It's rainy, foggy, muggy and I just wanna lay up under you. Bae, call me back considering this the fourth time you not picking up." I echoed pressing the end button.

Just then the door came opening hard, letting the rain fall in and the wind to blow the papers that were on the table onto the carpet. The door slammed shut as I came from out of the kitchen, "Chris! Chris?" A voice imitating Ray cradled throughout the house.

"Wassup Ray? Fuck you comin' in unannounced for?"

"Yo we gotta go, they got Layliana. Ma' fuckin' baby man!" He yelled slamming his fist down on the island, I ran into my bedroom up the stairs snatching up every gun I had, running back down I threw two to Ray as we jogged out.



"Ray man you sure this the house?" I asked unsure as I examined the brick church type looking building. He shook his head popping the door open, Rat , Tinkle and Ant loaded their guns in the back as August's car pulled up, he jumped up jogging up to the car. "Man I can't do dis' Chris. I can't do dis' bullshit no'mo, it's affectin' ma' home remedy life." August explained throwing his hands up in surrender as I ignored him running across the street.

He grabbed onto my collar yanking me towards him to listen, "Listen bruh'-"

"Get the fuck off me!" I whispered yelling at the same time pushing him backwards as he stumbled into Rat. "You bein' pussy right now Aug'. My niece in there doin' God knows what and you out here tryna' be a bitch nigga? Fuck out ma' face. We no longer bros, cousins, nothin'. Fuck you and the fake ass curly head ass boat you came in on. Oh and try askin' Jhene bout' what she did to her sister? That bitch so dumb." Rat chuckled after finishing before unlocking his gun from safe.

August flared his nostrils charging after Rat like a guerilla seeing a human attacking their babies, Rat silenced his gun quickly shoving a bullet through Aug's leg. August tampered to the ground groaning in pain, I shushed them as I called Boss Man.

After that we walked up to the brick building, turning the knob it clicked open. Shots flew everywhere as the door opened, we ducked down shooting at the culprits.

After a while it was like a shoot out, I seen a man carrying Layliana out the back as she cried for her father. Ray ran out the door as we kept shooting at the guards.

"Be careful man, I love you bro." Rat hollered looking at me, laying on his back holding his wound on his chest. "Shit" I said under my breath as the last man fell to the ground. I ran over to Rat holding his wound, "You gone make it out bruh'. Be strong bro. Imma get you there..I'm comin'. " I soothed.



"Family of Ta'Juan Deboi" A female doctor smiled around, the only one in there at this time of night was us and another old woman. We stood walking over to the doctor, my heart beating a mile a minute. I took a deep breath before listening.

"Okay so there's good news and there's bad news." She sighed looking at his parents. They shook there head for her to continue, "Okay so the good news is he's got no sign of loss of too much blood but the bad news is...Ta'Juan submitted into a coma at exactly eleven twenty four. Only time can tell if he will awake, be alright or even get the slightest attention of breathing. Our machined are keeping him alive, the limit to keep the machines on is about a year or two depending on his insurance range." The doctor frowned.

"Can I go see him?" His parents asked, she nodded "One at a time though, please."

I sat down in my chair putting my head in my hands as the first time this ever happened in a while, a tear fell down onto my arm. A real nigga tear, my mans up in this damn hospital barely having life in his shallow heart, my girl don't even want me to fuck with her. What's next? My parents die? The fuck is happening right now?

My phone vibrated in my pocket causing me to wipe my falling tears, I cleared my voice before speaking without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"I'll see you when I see you, I don't think we should do this anymore. I've been real to you and you treat me like shit I mean when do we spend time together? Never cause your always with your bitches or something. I'm wifey type and until you decided to show me you care about me I'll never come back and be treated this way Chris. I'm tired of walking down the street getting stares from all types of ugly bitches. But I'm done explaining myself Chris. Your key will be left under the mat and I'll see you sometime soon. Good luck." Tashay's tearful voice painfully foreshadowed through the phone before the line went dead.

In shock I just couldn't handle any of this anymore, "I'll see y'all later." I mumbled dapping up everyone except his mom, I gave her a tight hug before leaving out.

I got into my car coughing down a pill I'd found in my car, I began getting sleepy as I drove home. I parked into the driveway turning off my car. The house was empty as I walked inside locking the door, I moped up the stairs and into my room.

I phoned Tashay before she sent me right to voicemail, I left her a voicemail half sobbing. "Call me whenever you can, we need to talk."

I laid there sobbing, real niggas don't cry. Damn, why am I even here if all this shit gone go down? Sobbing I grabbed my phone leaving a quick video before slipping the gun from out if my waistband.

I slowly walked down the stairs into the basement's bathroom, I closed and locked the door staring at myself in the mirror. I put the gun to my head sobbing, as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Grandma here I come." I whispered in sobs, closing my eyes as I covered my mouth.

I took one last look at myself before closing my eyes tightly.

I put my finger on the trigger taking a deep breath.

Thoughts ran through my mind before I squeezed the trigger. Blowing my brains out, everything went black, my breathing slowed, my chest stopped heaving, my eyes never blinked, my oxygen fled from my body and my body began shutting down.

I was never happy, my girl left me, my mans finna' die and on top of all that all this happened in one day. Too much to handle was an understatement.

Convicted Choices{Book 1} *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now