✦Chapter 7: Untold Epoch✦

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Location: Emerald Forest
Time: 2:40am

  It had been some hours when we arrived here. The forest was large but ended in a misty fog, informed by our men. It's strange how there's a fog at the furthest part of the forest. Philippines and I were walking towards where the fog was located with some men, just in case a sudden attack was made. My vision was blurry when I look afar except when I have a torch by my side. 

  Arriving at the fog, it seemed the grass changed too. Back then it was forestry green, but when we got nearer to where the fog was, the grass turned more of a purple-black shade. The fog seemed opaque, its light grey color gives off a chilling vibe.

  "The Lumin Fog.." Philippines blurted out. This wasn't a natural fog, it was a spell fog. No wonder we couldn't go in. It was because this fog is a barrier to keep out intruders away, and by that.. it wasn't just intruders, but every kingdom too.

  "Do you think we can unbind it?" I asked Philippines who seemed to be thinking of a way to get inside. He then laid his hand out and spoke in an unknown language which summoned a red flame on his hand which then was thrown inside the fog. I didn't know what Philippines did but the Lumin Fog vanished out of thin air, like it never existed.

  Our eyes widen to find the kingdom in ruins, with large veins of vines wrapped on the abandoned yet burnt houses, a half-broken watchtower, dark trees covering the town itself. We went inside the kingdom, aware and shocked of what had happened to it. The kingdom in front stood still, abandoned and broken. Two towers were broken, as well as the round roof of it. It's walls covered in vines and moss, windows broken and the structure was just.. it looked destroyed, like how it was now.

  The town was worse with decayed bodies of the sea eagles who were unfairly slaughtered. Decapitated wings in some places as well as some weapons left from them, still covered in stained blood. The stained blood covered some of the ground but not all. Philippines had no words to describe this mass murder.

  "Check everywhere to see if there is anything that would be helpful for us to unravel this mess. Komodos will scout the towns, Carabaos will scout the markets while, King. Philippines and I will check at the palace. Understood?" I commanded as our men nodded in agreement and the three of us separated to scout around.

  "Come on Indonesia, we have no time to lose," Philippines said with determination. The both of us ran to the kingdom, dodging bodies on the ground and we finally arrived at the entrance of the palace. We two got in the palace to find it looking like it was just recently burnt. Smog came out from the entrance, making the both of us covered our lower face. The scene was now much clearer and the both of us went inside which made a crunching noise for each walk. Broken tiles on the ground, as well as broken souvenirs. 

  The both of us headed to the side of the palace, the hallway was huge yet delicate from the major cracks it had underneath. We headed to a door near us and opened it to find it burnt entirely, the furniture seemed to look to be blackened by the soot. Philippines went to another room which then I followed him and we arrived at a large room. A painting room.

  Burnt canvas holders and art supplies, shelves broken and taken by the vines, as well as four chairs which were half burnt and stuck on the ground by the vines underneath. "Such a nice kingdom laid to waste.. let's find the king's bedroom," Philippines grabbed me by the hand and the both of us went up the palace from the room where the main entrance was.

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