Far Away: Regulus X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: In a nonmagical world

Warnings: none pure fluff

Posted on: 09/29/2022

I'm sitting on my bed waiting for the screen on my computer to light up indicating my boyfriend is calling. He promised to call me today. With school and work, we haven't been able to talk to each other much. It sucks to not talk to your boyfriend, especially when you are in a long-distance relationship. Regulus and I met on a social media app in a group about writing and poetry. I had posted a poem about a lost girl who was Lonely. Regulus saw it and asked if he could message me. He had a crappy girlfriend who didn't treat him right at the time, so I tried to not catch feelings but after talking for a year I realized it didn't work. Regulus ended up breaking up with her per his brother's advice and then after a while, he revealed he liked me. I of course told him I liked him back and well we've been together for almost two years now. I am startled by the sound of the video chat ringing out. I smile wide and press accept. Only to see Sirius, Regulus' brother on the other end. I look at him quizzically and he smiles. 

"Y/n hey I gotta be quick but Regulus' birthday is in about a month and I thought up the idea of surprising him with you, what do you say?" Sirius asks and I smile sadly.

"That would be great but how am I supposed to get there? You are all in England and I'm in America. I don't have the money to get there yet, I'm still saving." I say looking at him worried.

"The boys and I have that covered we just need you to be on board with coming here," Sirius says and I smile wide nodding my head. 

"I'll do it," I say and Sirius smiles. 

"Great I'll message you the details later," Sirius says and I nod. I suddenly hear Regulus yell.

"Was the Reg?" I ask and Sirius nods a sad smile on his face. 

"I'm gonna let you go, see you soon Y/n," Sirius says and I nod hanging up. 'Reg what's happening there?' I ask myself. I then get a text from him that saddens me.

Your world -Hey I don't think I can call today I'm sorry love. 

I frown and let out a sigh. I text back saying 'it's fine and we will talk soon I'm sure,' adding a smiley face with it. He sends back a smile and then I close my phone. I seriously can't wait for next month. 


The month passed by fast and soon I'm on Summer break. My parents said I could go as long as I am safe and get picked up at the airport. Sirius reassured them I would be extremely safe and that he was planning on picking me up anyways. I was ecstatic and soon the day came for me to leave for England. 

"Now Y/n you have everything correct?" My dad asks and I nod. 

"Yes, papa I have everything I'll see you in a few weeks," I say and my dad nods. 

"Okay, Y/n we will see you soon okay, be careful and don't talk to anyone you don't know," my mom says and I nod laughing. 

"I'll be fine I promise," I say and they both nod and I go inside the airport and board the plane. 


The ride was long but felt even longer since I was excited. Luckily I was able to get a little rest and eventually we are there. I deplane and head to the baggage claim. I grab my bags and look for Sirius who I end up spotting fast since he is with the other marauders. I walk over and Remus spots me first I wave and he smiles waving back. 

"Hey, N/n how are you?" He asks when I come closer. 

"I'm good tired and excited but good," I say gaining the attention of the other boys. 

"Hey your here awesome let's go," Sirius says and I laugh following him. 

We all ended up in a car with Remus driving, Sirius next to him since he can't be far from his boyfriend. Then it goes Peter behind Remus, I'm in the middle, and James is behind Sirius. We all talk and Jam to music until we get to Sirius and Remus' house. The two boys moved in together after Sirius had enough of his crappy home. Sirius wanted to bring Regulus but his parents kept him from doing that. 

"Okay Y/n you can freshen up here then we will go to the party," Sirius says.

 I nod and we all go inside to get ready. I decide to put on the black skin-tight dress that Regulus loves to see me in. I add red heels and a red lip with my smokey eye makeup. I walk out of the guest room. 

"Okay I'm ready," I say simply and the four boys turn to look at me. 

"Wow Y/n you look amazing Regulus is going to love this and you for that matter," James says and I smile. 

"Thanks, I tried to look as presentable as possible," I say and the boys all nod and we all go to the car to go to the party venue. 

"Lily says they are about to do presents," James says and Sirius nods.

"Perfect timing we are here," Sirius says and I see a nice-looking hotel.

"Did they rent out the conference room in this place?" I ask and Peter shakes his head.

"They rented the whole hotel," Peter says and I look astonished. 

"Wow okay glad I dressed up then," I say, and the boys all laugh.

James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus all walk in and I stay back until Sirius comes to get me.

~Regulus' POV~

I sit surrounded by friends and family about to open my birthday gifts. Suddenly the doors open to reveal my brother, his boyfriend, and James. I smile at them and they wave back. 

"Okay Reggie it's time to open your gifts, This is the first one," My mom says and I nod taking it. I go through all my gifts,

"Okay unless someone has another that's it," Dad says. 

"I left mine in the car I'll go grab it," Sirius says and walks out. 

We all wait a few minutes until I see Sirius walk in with nothing in his hands. I look at him confused and all he does is hold up a finger indicating I just wait. I nod and wait to see what happens. 

"Okay come on in," Sirius says and everyone murmurs and questions if Sirius has gone crazy or not. I train my eyes on the door.

~Y/n POV~

"Okay come on in" I hear.

I stand up from the chair beside the door. I take a deep breath and walk into the room. All eyes land on me but I search for a certain pair. I finally see them and smile walking closer to him. He blinks a few times then gets up off his chair and runs to me picking me up and spinning me around. I smile laughing happily, he puts me down and cups my cheeks.

"It's you, it's actually you," Regulus says stroking my cheek with his thumb. I move my hands to wipe his tears and smile. 

"It's me, happy birthday love," I say. Regulus captures my lips in his clearly not caring that his parents and family are around. I kiss back and it lasts for a while. 

"Okay love birds let's eat cake, also surprise little brother," Sirius says and we pull away. I laugh and Regulus glares at his brother. 

"Thank you but you didn't need to ruin our moment Sirius," Regulus says and I sigh.

"No fighting on your birthday, let's go eat and have fun," I say and Regulus nods putting his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. We walk away from Sirius and Regulus introduces me to his family and friends. 


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