1:47am 30-09-22

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I wish I could explain it all to you. I feel like all I wanna do is talk about how I feel to everyone, all the time. I feel so alone in my emotions. I feel so trapped in my situations. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I don't know who I am anymore. I don't what I want. I don't know where I'm going. All I know is my past and the way that affects me and the fact that I just can't move past it.

I've always said that people are a sum of their memories. I have maintained that belief since I was about 14 and I could begin to make some philosophical predictions about life. I think this was the belief that was my complete undoing. I wish I never thought it.

I am so fucking attention seeking all the time. Every single decision I make is either so someone can tell I am struggling, or so that I feel like I am telling the truth when they ask me about the signs.

It's really hard knowing that you're way too much for people to handle. But also knowing that you are in no way ever going to be enough for anyone either.

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