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"Why did you run?" Ntando- or Anande, asked me; thirty minutes into the lesson whilst we were reading Romeo and Juliet.

"You said we were late, which we were." I answered already feeling annoyed.

"And you saw it fit to run?" Him saying it like that made me feel stupid, "Yes! Now if you don't mind, I'd like to focus on-"

"Miss Mthethwa, would you like to share what you're conversing about?"

"N-no ma'am, sorry"

"Don't disturb my class then"

"Y-yes ma'am. Sorry"

I seemed to find myself in the spotlight when around these boys and it would only make me infamous. I decided that the best thing for me to do is to keep quiet and focus on the lesson. As hard as it was, I ended up succeeding in ignoring Anande. Class continued and I chose to focus on the dumb book. Class ended and I quickly left and headed to my next class. School was a drag but I made it out alive.

Sandile picked me up since there was no practice and it would only start in two weeks time, he drove to Mugg n Bean and ordered their chocolate muffins, a cupachino for him and a hot chocolate for me. "School wasn't all good I assume." Sandile said as he lowered the volune. "What?" I turned to face him. "Thank you" I said as I took the hot chocolate filled cup from his hands. "You are awfully quiet. It's almost worrisome.

I just laughed and waved him off. The events that had transpired today we're playing fresh in my mind. "It's nothing bhuti. Ngiryt." I assured him. He just hummed and focused on the road. We got home and I was the first to leave the car, after making sure to grab my hot cocoa and muffin.

I greeted the family and rushed up to my room. I cast my bag onto the new couch Baba had bought for me last week. I ensured that my glasses were on my bedside table before I began undressing. After taking all the Bobby pins from my hair out, I got dressed in a pair of baby pink sweats and a large tee shirt. I wore my fuzzy socks and out my shark slippers on.

I threw myself onto my bed and began scrawling through my socials. I somehow fell asleep while looking through social media.

I felt someone shaking me, which automatically shook my sleep away. "Mmmm" I  mumbled and grumbled as I turned and swatted the person's arm. "Come on, we are going out for dinner." I just groaned and tried to fall back asleep. "Iza Ntombi yam." I felt the person picking me up. "Mmmmm Mmmm Baba" I whined out, I felt the tears prickling my eyes and I let them fall down the sides of my face.

"Uyaxolisa uBaba Ntombi yakhe kodwa kumele siye siyo thola ukudla ngoba umkam ushise ibodo lakhe. (Baba apologies my daughter but we have to go get something to eat because my loving wife burnt her pots)" I looked at him in a questioning manner.

"Don't ask. Wear your shoes. You will find us in the living room." He left afterwards and I dragged my tired body from the bed and took my scrunchy. I gathered my hair in my hand and used the scrunchy to hold it together. I took a pink scrunchy and put it on as an accessory. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room

I found the family waiting in the living room like Baba said they would be. We all waked to the garage and got in the family van or as I and many others know it to be, the Fucken car. Ntsika sat besides me and besides him, Nkosi sat. All the boys quickly filled the car up with their noise. It was in that moment that I had regrets on leaving my headsets at home.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, let's get going." Baba said as he got inside, after helping MaZulu in. Such a gentleman. He started the car and we were off. I took my phone out and began playing Subway surfers. I was so focused on my phone that when Ntsika took it I nearly bashed his head on the window.

"Easy tigress" I tried grabbing it out of his hands. "Ntsika letha! Im almost at my high score." His tall and strong self wouldn't let me get my phone. "I swear, if I die-" just as I said that, the girl crashed into a train and got caught. "Woah, someone's been saving their keys." Sandile said. "Ntsika just give it!" I nearly shouted at him. "Haai marn Nina! Ngizengishayise Abantu kuzoba ngenxa yenu. Hlalani phantsi nizphathe kahle! (No marn you lot! If I crash into anyone it will be because of you. Sit down and behave!)" Baba said without even looking back

"Siyaxolisa Baba (we apologize Baba)" Ntsika gave me my phone back and I stuck my tongue out at him. He pushed my face away and flicked my forehead. "Tsek!"

"Uthini (What did you say)" his older brother voice came out. "Nix, ngiyaxolisa. ( Nothing, I apologize.)" He let my arm go. We sat in silence after that until we got to the mall. We went to Panarotis and had dinner. I didn't see any paparazzi and for that I was really grateful. I tend to forget just how famous my family is and the paps will do any and everything to shame you. We drove home at around 10 pm. I made sure to bid everyone goodnight before heading to my room. I undressed and as soon as my head hit the bed, I was out like a light.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. After the same morning routine I was driven to school by Simphiwe. "Sooooooo how's school?" Sims asked. "It's cool ya know. There's some highs here and some lows there." He nodded. "Have you made any friends yet?" I just looked at him

"Isn't it a bit too late to ask me that? It's late Feb and you are asking me about friends bhuti?" I just laughed. "But yes, I have made friends."

"You should invite them over."

"To whose house?"

"Yeah you're right." I nodded. "Oh would you look at that. We are arrived." He said

"Yay " I prepared to grab my things as he parked in the parking lot. "I'll be the one fetching you neh."

"Mmm" I opened the door and got out. "Hey" he called me back. "Bhuti?"

"Have fun" I was about to give a sarcastic remark but decided otherwise. I nodded and advanced toward the gates of hell. I found the twins at my locker. "Hi guys" they greeted back and we walked to our first class.

By the end of the school day, I wanted nothing but to burn the school. We had written tests in all my classes and I had practice so Sims was gonna pick me up at 6:30pm. I roamed the school halls once I had finished changing clothes. I was in a large Tie dye tee shirt, Jean short shorts, white fluffy socks and slides.

I was headed in the direction of the cafeteria when a cold hand enclosed my mouth and another wrapped around my waist. I panicked and began flinging my arms. My mind was in fight mode as the adrenaline rushed throughout my whole body. I kicked and hit and flung my arms but the grip only got tighter.

I gave up as the situation began to set in. Tears blinded my already blind eyes because my glasses had fallen down somewhere when I was fighting. Just as I had given up, I heard the person groan and their grip loosened around me. I pushed myself away from them just before they fell. The person behind them falling was Anande aka Ntando.

On instinct, I rushed up to him and he cocooned me in his arms. I couldn't stop the sobs that wrecked through my body. He held me closer and whispered sweet nothings in my ears. "Jump" he whispered. "Hmm?"

His hands went down to my thighs and I jumped. He held me onto him as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My front was pressed against his. My heart was still racing but at that point I wasn't sure why anymore. He walked us away from the kidnapper. I heard a door open and then He lightly tapped my thighs. "Hmm?"

"Sit on the couch" He placed me on my feet. When I finally looked at him, I saw that he had taken his glasses off, showing his eyes

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