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It's been 30 minutes into the game and it's intense. I feel irritable and antsy as I'm sitting down. I need to be in the field. Someone from the opposing team slams one of our players down and I hold myself back from launching into the field.

"Calm down Jay. All in due time."

"Yeah! Imma go grab something to eat." I don't wait for a respond. I instead look up at the bleachers to where Nelly is sat at. Our eyes connect and I nod towards the exit. She hesitantly nods back at me and I walk to the doors leading out back into the school. I push the double doors open and enter, standing behind the door, I wait for her to show up. In less than 3 minutes, the doors open and she hesitantly steps in.

"Looking for someone?" she shrieks and steps back, her eyes wide open. I laugh at her shock filled self and she gets angry at me and starts slapping my body lightly. "Amour baby." It slips out even before i catch myself. "Whatever." she rolls her eyes but i see the smile she tries to hide. We walk further into the school just walking mindlessly when I notice a figure following a limping body. I stop in the middle of the hall, pull Nelly to the side where she stares at me as if I've grown a second head. "What?"

"Fetch a grown up." she stares at me confused. "What?"

"I don't have time to explain. Just call Yandisokuhle's parent, preferably her father. Hurry." I insist when i see her standing and not moving. She seems to snap out of what ever it is she was caught in because she runs in the direction we came from.

I take a deep breath and walk forward, focusing on following the figure. The door besides one of the Junior teacher's classes is open. I slowly advance to it and fine this figure chocking Yandisokuhle. I do the first thing that pops up in my mind and punch the guy straight on his temple, knocking him out.

Instead of just one body falling, two bodies fall. I hurry and shake Yandisokuhle awake but she doesn't budge. I pick her up and walk to the nurses office where i find Nurse Maria who stands up immediately and attends to Yandisokuhle as soon as I place her on the bed. Within a few minutes, a big man walks in, followed by Nelly who rushes to the bed and takes hold of Yandisokuhle's hand.

I step back into the shadows. In my mind I'm thinking about who that person was and why they nearly killed Yandisokuhle. I mean she's not exactly a person I get along with but I would never wish any harm on her. "Thank you for saving my daughter." I nod at the man, showing my respect.

"How can I pay you back?" I shake my head, "There's no need for that Sir." I say but he shakes his head and says; "Should you ever need anything, do not hesitste to call me. I owe you." It felt wrong hearing an elderly person say that to me and I already felt uncomfortable, luckily, Yandisokuhle chose to wake up in that moment.

"Mmmm-" she moves her hand to her eyes. " "She's awake." I say, bringing the attention onto her."Sambulo-" she whispered and her father's face hardens immediately.

"He will be taken care of. How are you feeling?" I nod to myself, choosing to not acknowledge the threat. Yandisokuhle finally notices me and she looks shocked.

"Baba-" she calls to her father. "Ngiguphi? (Where am I?)" He walks to her bedside and kisses her forehead. "School nursery." I answer. She looks around the room again.

"It looks fancy. Then again this is a rich school..." i can't tell if that's a joke or not but it sounds very dry. "We will leave you to it." Nelly says, patting her hand and giving her a hug before she comes up to me, grabs my hand and tugs me towards her to walk out.

"Thank you." Nelly says after a while. "What for?" I ask her, turning by the corner leading to the field. "Saving my friend's life. And before you say anything, I know that you didn't just find her there after sending me to look for help. So thank you."

I just nod my head, an easy smile making itself onto my face. "Yo Jason!" We turn around and it's James, one of the players on the team, he's running towards us. "Yeah man?"

"We need you in there man. It's getting real wild real fast." He doesn't say more before I turn, kiss Nelly and run back into the field. In my daze, I face to notice what I had done.

When we get to the field, it looks like it's ten-to a bloody fight. I gear up and coach puts me in, pulling Smiso out. I nod at him and he nods back. I enter the field and walk to the team.

We discuss our game plan and attack.

The night ends on a high as we score our winning touchdown, 42-38. The crowd goes wild and we take our win proudly so. "PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!" Someone shouts from the crowd and they go even more haywire.

I shake my head and walk back to the field. "Congratulations! You were amazing!" A small body flies into mine. "Thank you Ma." She pulls away and falls into her husband's arms who pats my shoulder, pride bright in his eyes.

I look down, not in shame but to hide my face from the tears that are trying to show up. "We are proud of you Ndodana." The tears really well up in my eyes.

"T-hank you." I sniffle a little bit, looking up to avoid the crowd. Mrs Khumalo wraps her arm in mine, "Let's go home, I'll prepare an amazing meal for you."

We walk off even before I get the chance to talk to Nelly who, I see is standing right by the bleachers. She waves at me before her twin gets to her. They head of in the opposite direction from mine.

We enter the Khumalo's car and from school to their house, the game is all they talk about. It feels weird to have people talking about me in a good way. We get to their house and Mr Khumalo stops the car right infront of the garage.

"Alright, let's get these sleepy heads to bed. You don't mind parking the car right?" Mr Khumalo asks me. "I-i no. I don't mind at all. Ar-are you sure?"

"Yes. I trust you." He pats my shoulder. "Thank you." He exits and we switch seats. He walks into the house, leaving me inside his car.

I take a deep breath and start the car. Once I have it parked in the garage, I shut the car off and my phone rings. "Sho."

"Where the hell are you!!" His loud slurry voice boomed through the phone. "My game." I cut the call immediately and choose to focus on how I'm feeling now, in this moment.

I exit the car, walk up to the house and open the door. The loud chatters makes it feel so warm in this house. I get to the dinning room where they are all seated. We spend the night talking about my game and them congratulating me.

At around 11:30 pm, Mrs Khumalo helps me place my sister's in my car that they had driven up to the Khumalo residency. I drive home while listening to Jaz music. When i arrive,I drive up the garage and find my father standing by the entrance, smoking.

I park my car, turn around to wake my sisters up and exit. I take their things from the back and help them out. "So jy het besef dat jy 'n bloedige huis het! (So you realised that you have a bloody home!)" I choose to ignore him, holding my siblings' hands.

He let's them walk onto the house but as soon as I make the move to walk in, he steps infront of me. "Ek praat met jou Jason. (I'm talking to you Jason.)"

"Ek is nie Jason nie, ek is Jayden. Jason is dood. (I'm not Jason, I'm Jayden. Jason is dead.)" His face falls and I can see the heartbreak I his eyes. "Wat? (What?)"

"Ja. Jy het hom vermoor, onthou jy? Ag wag, jy is verantwoordelik vir sy dood, tog is jy die enigste een wat nie kan onthou nie. (You killed him, remember? Oh wait, you're responsible for his death yet you're the only one who can't remember. )"

I push past him and find my mother with unshed tears in her eyes, after the accident, I put the blame on myself because I knew they wouldn't be able to handle the heartbreak. If only I'd known that that would mean everyone would hate me for it.

I walk up to my room, slam my door shut and head to the shower where I let all my frustrations out. I end up punching the wall furiously. By the time I'm done with my shower, it's already way in the morning. I dry myself up, apply my required lotion and pjs. I wrap a bandage around my throbbing fist. I take my phone from the charger and switch it on to reveal the messages I'd received.

I answer my messages accordingly, turn my phone off and turn to sleep.

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