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Yhooo! I'm flabbergasted. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just drop out of school and try something new. Then again, my parents won't let me do that because it's irresponsible and stuff.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad. I can just put this behind ke and pretend like he never said he loves me. Or, or...maybe we sit down and talk about this love shebang! Gosh! What am I to do?

"Yandisokuhle!" I jumped out of bed in shock. "Right, ngiyeza!" I ran down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table. "What kept you upstairs for such a long time?" Mama asked as she dished up for uBaba. "O-oh...I was...I-i w-w-was planning th-the o-outing-" 

"That neither you nor baba will be coming to because you are not our siblings." Ntsika covered over for me. "Yeah, what ever. Nani ningezi uma sizikhupha noBaba. (You also are not allowed to come to mine and Baba's outings)" We shrugged simultaneously. "No problem bazali." Mama looked shocked while baba looked unbothered. "Don't feel bad mama, you have a whole life partner with you who is more than willing to do whatever it is that you want to do irregardless of what they feel." Nathi pointed out nonchalantly. 

"Hey! That's rude." She exclaimed. "No, think about it mama. No offense baba." 

"I will take no offense as long as it effects your allowance." Nathi looked mortified for a moment. "Okay, can we all just eat? I'm starving." Sibonga sighed. "Okay, baby brother. But he is right. Let's eat." We had a silent dinner and went our separate ways once Ntsika and I had done the dishes. "Yho bhuti, ngikhathele habe! (Oh brother, I am so tired geez!)" 

"Let me carry you upstairs Princess." I hopped onto his back and held onto his shoulders as he ran upstairs. "AHHHHH! Bhuti!" He only put me down once we got to the top stair. "Uyarasa Yandisokuhle haai! (You are making a nise Yandisokuhle.)" Baba walked out from his and Mama's room. "Sorry dad. Your eldest son just tried to kill me. I'll make sure to be quieter next time, he might get it right then." He rolled his eye, came over to kiss my forehead before slapping the same spot. 

"You've got school tomorrow. Hamba uyolala. (Go sleep.)" I let out a sigh then went into my room. "Good night everyone!" I made sure to be loud enough for everyone to hear. "Lala!" 

"Jeez. I'm trying to show you people some love." I shut the door and walked towards my bed. I took my glasses off and placed them in the little case I keep on my bedside table. I took a sip of my water and went to sleep. 



Spending time with Yandisokuhle is amazing. She is amazing. I feel like she is the only person who gets me truly. If I could, I would steal her away to a place where no one would find us and we would live happily ever after. But, I have to stay awake and realistic. None of that is going to  happen. In fact, I'm convinced that the only way for me to b with Yandi, truly, would be to make her my second wife. And I know for a fact no woman wants to be the other woman or a second wife. 

And I respect her enough to never do that to her. If only I could find a loophole in all of this. This is just frustrating to think about. Perhaps, I should push that aside and focus on planning this semester end party. I don't know why I opted to be the one to host it...Oh right, it will make my parents angry and I live for that. One thing the royals cannot do is embarrass themselves or any of their offspring. Of course, they don't want to be embarrassed as well by the said offspring. Since my sister never really did anything to make my parents mad, I will do it for the three of us.

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