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"Oh no body knows but his closest friends and as I was saying, after Ntando its Buhlebendalo Mjiyako then there's Violet May Wheather who is Siyabonga's girlfriend and the triplets Lesego, Resego and Masego Kwena and all these people make the elite 10" Nelly says

"Okay to test if you were listening I want you to open your snapplify platinum textbook to page 136 exercise 1 do it all" Mr Xhakaza says and everyone groans aloud. "Oh would you like me to add exercise 2 &3 ?" And everyone immediately goes quiet. Taking my book out I opened it and wrote the date.

"Please lend me your tablet" I say seeing everyone else take theirs out. Thank God we use tablets because I wouldn't survive using hard copy textbooks. "Yeah sure" Nelly says handing it to me. I open the page and start writing

"So as I was saying to survive your remaining years if you don't want to get known which might be hard considering your Mr Mthethwa's child, you need to stay far far away from the elite 10" Nelly warns

"I'm honestly not promising to Nellz, I wanna try something new, let my name work for me for once ya know?" I say writing down the work, "Uh no I don't know Ndise" she says "okay nope that name is not it at all I'd rather you call me Yaya or Yandi or Kaysie because it sounds like a boys name 'Ndise' really ?" I say

"I actually like the nickname I've given you and why Kaysie?" Nelly asks "Because my second name is Ntombiyodwakayise and yeah I know its long" I say "wow I mean wow how'd you pronounce any of your names when you were younger, how'd you write them even I mean-"

"Miss Sobekwa care to share what you are saying to Miss Mthwthwa with the class or is it a private conversation in my class during my lesson ?" Mr Xhakaza asks

Shit shit shit! Think think think Yaya

Oh no we are doo-

"Sir we were just discussing question 9, it seems a bit challenging we've tried two different ways and we are discussing these ways step by step to see where we could've gone wrong, Nelisiwe here was just suggesting we come to you after class for your help on how to get the correct answer seeing as how ours are different and don't look correct" shit! not the answer I was going for buy I think its working

"Oh you and Miss Sobekwa are discussing question nine ? So if I come there right now and check your books I will see the work you've done ?" He asks walking towards our desks "Yes sir it is what you will find" I say

"Then let me come have a look" he says reaching our tables, in my mind I hope Nelly is actually on question 9 and the class is so quiet with all eyes on us yhiiiii.

"Hmmm I see, this is where you both went wrong, you didn't carry the one to the other side which has caused more confusion. Since you went with putting all terms that are similar on one side, you didn't change the sign of the 1 Miss Mthethwa and you Miss Sobekwa you didn't change all your terms and their sign you see?" He says and we both release a chorus of "ohhhh"

"Thank you sir" I say "No problem at all children" Sir says.. The bell rings indicating the end of the period.

"Yhoo Kaysie that was really close, nice save by the way" Nelly says "yeah. I was so scared. So where are you headed to now ?" I ask her taking my timetable out. "English" we both say. "Yay! And we meet Ane but wait, we can't sit together since I already sit with Anelisa" she says

We both grab our bags and head to the door, I see we walking deeper into this block so I guess English class is also in this block. Going down the stairs to the second floor we walk on a...bridge ?? That shows the very very huge field. Definitely a huge school yhoo Thixo. We walk to the next block while conversing and I see we starting to slow down.

"Haai leskolo sinkulu yho(hmm this school is huge)" I say amazed "Ewe, oh! Nangu uAne and Unathi" Nelly says pulling me towards her twin and another girl with curly hair and dark skin, chubby too. We walk towards them.

"Hey guys" Nelly says, they greet back "look what the cat dragged in" Anelisa says "Babe no why you being mean to her, please excuse her hi I'm Unathi" Unathi says in a cheery voice...haai nkosiyam "hi I'm Yandise-okuhle but you can call me Kaysie" I say in a fake cheery voice. Just as she is about to answer the line starts moving and we are walking into class.

We entered the class and all I could do was stare in wonder-right in the middle of the beginning of the classroom- I mean who wouldn't, this class is big enough to fit a quarter half of a library...hold that thought. It is a freaking library. I. AM. IN. HEAVEN. This room is half a class and half a library, I know where I gonna spend those God forsaken 2 hours.

The walls of the classroom part are a light brown kind of bungery with posters on them about literature and such. The tables are wood obviously and the chairs are normal chairs...?😹😹😹 Then the teacher's desk and chair are in front of the class and behind them is a chalk board and next to it is a smart board.

Going back to the end of the class where the library begins there's stairs separating the two rooms.

Then the heaven aka mini library has shelves which look endless oh my gooooooood! And the walls are a dark but not too dark brown and there's two couches and sponge cushions and pillows around the reading area. Yhooo bawo!

"Settle down learners, settle down for a new adventure awaits us this day" a voice says coming... from behind a shelf ? Hmmm!!!

Everyone quickly settles down and got quiet, all excited. I can understand why they all are I mean I am too and so is Buhlebendalo 'the queen'. My eyes moved around the class room and I could easily spot the Elite 10 mainly because only them and a few others filled two rows while the rest of the class was sitting in the last two rows.

"Mmmmm a new member aboards the literature ship." Says a woman who looks to be in her mid 40's I think with red straight as a ruler in a ponytail hair, blue eyes behind black glasses a mole on the left cheek and she was wearing a brown and white sweater with a cream brown skarf and black jeans with ankle boots.

"Welcome one welcome all to my literature class I'm Mrs Klass,  and I am your English home language teacher. Please have a seat anywhere you want to, as long as you will be able to sit there for the entire year." Mrs Klass says. I look around class😹😹 and I see an open space next to a boy who looks like he's 10 to sleeping, can't do that, then I see another open space next to a girl whose looking at me with eyes that say I dare you to sit next to me. Definite no

Looking around class once more with no hope I see a spot next to a guy with a Nike bag...hmmmm maybe is part of the Nike bag gang, yes that's what I'm calling them. I see he's sitting two tables away from the front by the window and I decide to walk up to him and sit there. While walking I see everyone staring at me, oh there's Jason! Maybe I should wave to make him mad....nahhh

I continue walking and when I reach him I say "Hi, is this seat taken?" He turns away from his phone to look at me and yhiiiii its him!!!! Ntando Majola


And that's the end of chapter 6 stay tuned for more😹😹😹 I just felt like saying that but yeah guys please stay safe and stay blessed.

Lots of love from me to y'all💋💗💗


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