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The last bell of the day rings and I rush out of class to the school tuck shop. I buy a large bag of lays and a small coke, some mint toppers and a lollipop. "Will you be sharing that?" He falls into step with me.

"I see you weren't enough with the slap I gave you last month Martin." He sighs, "You know my name is Marlin." He comes to stand infront of me. "I'm rushing somewhere. Move." My eyes are hard on him. "Why so violent?" He raises his arms and steps back.

"Because you are a nuisance. " He scoffs, "What makes him better than me?" I step forward and turn to whisper in his ear, "Everything." I continue my walk to the auditorium. As soon as I get there, there are some kids inside already.

I choose to sit in front to focus fully on whomever would be delivering the lesson. Soon, the door opens and my jaw follows. "Anande?"


The lesson passed by like a blur. I forced myself to pay attention because I didn't want it to be a waste. "Wh-when you s-said you'd pass b-by a-and say hello, I-I d-didn't think you'd be t-teachi-ing the les-sson." We were walking out the doors of the school now.

"I wasn't teaching. I was just giving out some useful tips." I jokingly pushed him, "Y-you m-made Euclidean s-seem s-so s-s-so simple! That's a whole blessing dude!" He laughed lightly. "May be." We sat at the benches with my head on his shoulder.

"I....I  r-real-lly enjoyed t-the lesson though." I look up at him, "you really mean it?" I raise my head to look him in the eyes. "Anande, I really enjoyed the lesson and I'm sure the others did as well." He looked away, "H-hey, don't make m-me turn all romantic in t-this hideous skirt." He laughs out loud and it reverts throughout the quiet night.

"You are funny." He composes himself before pulling me into his arms. I'm sat with my upper body on his while my feet sit on the bench. "I t-try." I shrug. We enjoy the silent night. I take a deep breath, preparing myself to ask him- "Why do you stutter?"

"Uhm..." my body tenses up immediately.  "I-you don't have to answer me if you feel uncomfortable." I sit up, "Yandi..."

"No, it's okay. I j-just...argh!" I pull at my hair frustatedly. "Yandi...Yandi...Yandi!" He grabs my hands amd pulls me into his arms. His heart races against his ribs. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He mutters repeatedly as he kisses my forehead.


I didn't think such a simple question would make her act like this. I held her against my chest tightly as she sobbed. I didn't understand why she got so upset.

When her brother came to pick her up, he didn't want to ask questions. Just let me put her in the car and he drove off wordlessly. I've been trying to understand what happened for the past week.

She's been ignoring me since that night and I'll admit, it's taken a toll on my body. I don't understand why I'm so attracted to her. It's wrong and I'll only end up hurting her but I can't help myself.

"Prince Ntando, your parents request your presence in the office. " they speak over the door. "I'll be there." I get off my bed and wear my shoes. It's best to go there immediately.

The walk to my father's study is very short but my nerves make it seem so long. I knock on the door snd wait to be called in. The door opens half an hour later and my oldest sister rushes past me with tears running down her face.

"You may come in Ntando." I look in the direction my sister went. "I will not repeat myself boy!" I slowly walk into the room, "Tata, you called for me?"

"Princess Nomfumdo Jama is coming to visit in a few weeks. Immediately after your June exams, she will be with us until schools open. I'm expecting you to get to know her more, introduce her to your friends and such."

"But Tata-"

"But nothing. This is your duty as the prince of your kingdom. You will be king in a few years to come, I expect you to start acting like it."

"I thought Princess Ndiphile would rule our kingdom, she's more fit for it and-"

"She will rule the Swati kingdom alongside her future husband. Do not disappoint me. You are dismissed." I stand up dejected and walk out of the room. I just need a break from all of this.

I can't leave this bloody house because of my parents. The pool seems like a plan. I changed into my swimming trunks and head to the pool. "Sisi?" She won't look at me but I see her wiping her eyes.

"Qhubeka ntoni? (What's wrong?)"

"What's wrong is that your parents want to marry me to a manwhore who is only good for making babies with sluts.  What if he has some sort of std? I'd rather die than marry him."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm about to lose the love of my life for the entitled Princess Nomfundo ka Jama."

"It doesn't. I want you and Nandile to be happy with the people you love."

"Speaking of which, where is she?" I look around the backyard hoping to see her. "We left her at the palace. Mama and Tata said she will grow up that side. There's no need for her to come to Joburg."

"What! But thats unfair."

"It is, but what can we do? The king and queen have spoken." We sit solemnly by the poolside. "This is depressing. I'm gonna go drown in the pool."

"Count me in." We get up and jump into the pool. I close my eyes and allow my body to sink down to the ground. It's no less than 5 minutes before I feel my chest burn and tighten up. I open my eyes and the chlorine burns but it's manageable.

I shut my eyes and will myself to calm down even as my heart rages against my ribs. When I begin to feel lightheaded, I slowly rise up and take deep breaths once my head is above water.

"You're gonna have to try harder to kill yourself boy." My eyes snap open. "Tata?"

"Get out of the pool and prepare yourself." He looks nonchalant. "Prepare myself for what tata?"

"The Mthethwa family is coming over for dinner."

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