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As soon as break was over, I rushed out of the cafeteria and headed straight to my next class which happens to be civil technology. I was the first in class, deciding to sit by the window in the last row, middle desk. I settle down and begin my sketch. About five minutes in, the class was already filled up. There was chatter everywhere and it seems my entrance with Yandise-okuhle stirred the gossip.

Somebody taps my shoulder, I turn to stare at them through my glasses "Yes?" I see its one of these girls who are trying to be slay queens but need the money to 'support' their lifestyle. "Is it true that you are dating the new girl?"

"What I know for sure, that's true is that you are in my space and uyandidika (your annoying me)" I turn back to my drawing board and ignore her looking stunned

"Alright engineers its time to get to work. Please get your overalls out and follow me to the sports field that is currently under construction"

The class got energetic after that and it looked like chaos. I chose to stay behind and let everyone leave so that I have time to actually do my things without anyone pushing me. After everyone lefts, I took my overalls and put them on. Once my hoodie was in my locker and my phone in my pocket, I walked out and took the shortcut that leads straight to the field.

I got there before anyone in class. I decide to take a walk around and clear my thoughts of Yandise-okuhle. "Mr Majola. Great to see you on time. As always"

"What can I say sir. I love my subjects too much" he chuckles and sets us into groups of four. I'm with two other boys and one girl. We get to work and time flies by.

Before I knew it, its 2 pm which means that its time for extra curricular activities. I head off to the locker rooms and change into my rugby gear. I decide to go to the field and start stretching. More and more players come and soon enough we are practicing.

I notice Yandi sitting on the bleachers and that sort of gives me motivation and I'm excited all of a sudden. After about 45 minutes, I check to see if  she's still watching. I notice that she's gone.

"Coach!" I shout to get his attention.

"Dude where you going?" I ignore Jason's question

"I gotta get my mouth guard, I forgot it"

"Hurry up boy."

"Yes sir" I jog off the field and head into the school. I walk in the direction that will lead me to Yandise-okuhle's locker.
As I got closer to Yandi's locker I heard her speaking to the drummies. That's what they call themselves and the name just stuck. I hear footsteps lessening and a loud squeal.

"Someone's awfully happy" I say making my presence known.

"Ntando man what the hell" her voice comes out sharp yet softly

I let out a quiet chuckle "Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No hey I just jumped in fright for no reason" she rolls her eyes making me chuckle once more.

"So uh, we still riding together right?"

"Of course"

"Great! I'll uh, I'll see you in a bit?" I say a bit too excited

"Definitely" we both go our separate ways and I get my mouth guard. I run back to the field. Practise goes on for about 2 hours and once we are done coach tells us there's no practice tomorrow. I pack my things and head to shower.

"Dude, please lend me your shower gel. I forgot to restock mine" Jason asks as soon as I enter the locker room.

"Sure." I hand it to him. "Thanks man" I decide to sit down and wait for him to finish so that I take my shower.

By the time I finished showering, the locker room was empty. I quickly dressed in shorts and a vest, I put my slides and glasses on and left.

I went to her locker, my body shaking slightly from nerves. Once I got to her locker, I stood for a while. I thought about calling her then I realised that I don't have her numbers. After waiting for 30 minutes I thought that maybe she was somewhere around the school so I searched half the school. At 06:30 pm I decided to leave.

My heart had a pain and that was very weird and uncomfortable. As soon as I got home, I headed straight for my bedroom and slept. I woke up at 2am from the cold that had entered through the open windows and my glasses stabbing into my skin painfully. I took my glasses off and headed to the bathroom. I switched the lights on. Immediately, I was staring into two different coloured eyes.

I opened the faucet and washed my face. I drank some water and dropped a few eye drops in my eyes. I turned the lights off and walked back into my bedroom. I shut the windows and wore my gown, I headed downstairs and heated my dinner. Once I finished eating, I washed my dishes and grabbed some snacks. I headed up to my room and began my home works.

At around 5:30 am I decided to take a shower and head downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar and left before 6am. Once I got to school I went to my homeroom.

School went on as usual but I didn't see Yandise-okuhle.

Since we had no practice today, I went to the park near home. "Bhuti, uMama ucela ubuye. (Brother, mom is asking for you to come back)" was the first thing I heard when I answered the call

"Uyacela okanye uthi ndibuye (Is she asking or demanding I come back)"

"Yhoo bhuti uyamazi uMama. Buya tuu (Yhoo bro you know how mom is. Come back please)" I could hear in her tone that she was fed up

"Ndiyeza (I'm coming)"

I drove back home.

"Sendibuyile (I'm back)"  I walked into the house, dropping my keys into the bowl of keys

"K'theni ubuye ebusuku? (Why are you home late)"

"Sthandwa Sam, myeke. Ufikile ngoku, that's all that matters (My love, leave him. He's home now,...)"

I ran upstairs and dropped my bag in my room and rushed down to the living room.

"Xolo ngobuya late mama ipractice iyeyahamba kakade (apologies for coming home late mama practice ran over)"

"Mmmmmm. Iza ukutya kuyabanda ngoku (mmmmm. Come along the food is probably cold now)"

We followed behind her in silence. My sisters sent me looks but I ignored them. We had a silent dinner, nothing different there. A throat clear made me look up to my father.

"Your mother and I are going back to Umhlabauyadibana, odabawo bayabuya. (......Umhlabauyadibana, you're aunt and uncle are coming back)." Father said leaving no room for discussion.

"Ewe, we will be gone no less than 6 months" Mother said looking at father. These news excited me because that meant that this house would feel like a home for 6 months, it may not be much but it meant the world to my sisters and I. You may be asking how could I say such.

And the answer is, well you've seen it yourself. Our birth parents are just that, our birth parents. They don't care about my sisters and I. All that matters is the kingship and the kingdom. Since they got crowned, they've changed. But, lucky for us, our aunt and uncle took us in and treat us like their own so we barely feel the void.

"Anande" I looked up to her.


"Take care of your sisters, focus on your academics. And lastly. Make sure that by the time we get back, you've secured Princess Makhosazana. That's final." She gave me a look.

"That's bull and you know it Mother!" I stood up and banged the table.

"Not in my house boy! Not in my house and not with my wife! Ndizakubetha! Ndzakudibanisa nebonda kwedin!" Father said walking up to me. "Sivene?" He held the collar of my shirt. As tall as I am, he stood over me by a foot or two.

"Ewe kumkani (yes your Highness)" he let me go and I stumbled back. "Hlala phantsi sitye." We sat down and had a silent dinner.

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