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I shouldn't have called her. I knew it the minute she answered the call. And then I fucken told her that I like her. Damn it! If only I could just keep it in. She doesn't deserve to get entangled in my shit. She's too pure for that.

Fuck royalty! If only I'd been born in a normal family! I couldn't sleep after our call so I figured I'd exercise for the remaining hours. "Anande!" I stop the treadmill and turn to look at Tanci, "Ewe Tata?"

"What are you doing so early?" He walks to the bars, "Spot me" I nod and walk behind him. "Just exercising. I couldn't sleep so I figured-"

"You'd work out like crazy" he finishes for me. "Something like that. Did I wake you guys?"

"Not at all. It's not like we had any sleep." Dabs walks in, "Oh, really?"

"I'm worried about your sisters.  And I've texted your mother but she won't respond to any of my texts.  "Like she knows she has a phone." I roll my eyes which earns me a slap on the arm.

"Don't be rude Nande." Dabs says before walking to the treadmill. We spend about an hour in the gym just talking while they exercise. At five am we decide to freshen up. By the time I get downstairs, I find breakfast at the table.

"Am I a slow person or are you just fast in the kitchen?" I ask as I sit down. "Call it a special skill." Dabs says as she sets the syrup on the table. "This looks delicious Dabawo."

"Enkosi sthandwa sam. Eat up now." Shs sys with a smile. I enjoy my breakfast before standing up. "Lst me head out. I'll see you guys later on."

"No, no, let me take you to school." Tanci says, "Oh it's not bother, really."

"I didn't ask. Now let's go. " He grabs the car keys and kisses Dabawo on the cheek, telling her that he'll be back in a few minutes even though he offered to take me to school infront of her. We walk out to the garage in silence. Soon enough we are listening to metro fm, driving to school.

I look out the window, just thinking about everything. "You have a suit fitting tomorrow."

"Tata? Xolo andivanga.  (Dad? Sorry I didn't catch that.)"

"Its because you are so deep in thought.  I said you have to fit your suit on tomorrow."

"Why get a new suit? I already have so many from previous events."

"It was a request by the queen. "

"Shes being dramatic."

"I know son but we cannot argue with royalty."

"Well you are royalty yourself. Don't you have some kind of power to the throne too?"

"Nope. And even if we did, your aunt and I prefer normality in our lives."

"I wish I was your child. Maybe I'd understand what being normal is."

"Don't wish for what you don't have Anande, wish for the good times to last a little while longer because you don't know how someone lives their day to day lives. Never wish for what you see someone else having. Wish, instead, for patience until God sees fit for you to have your moment. Congratulate others for their wins and wait patiently patiently yours."

"Hmmm..." I absorbed his words. I couldnt stop thinking about them even as I got to school. I was quick to get to class. Only when I sat down did I realise that I'd forgotten my textbooks and physics is my first class. I didn't want to deal with Hergelat.

I asked for a pass and I went to fetch my book. Upon returning to class, I heard voices. I decided to find out what's going on and immediately,  I stepped in. "What's going on?" I stopped Resego's hand from connecting with Yandisokuhle's face.

"Ntando. This has nothing to do with you. It's just a little girl talk."

"I'm sure, Yandisokuhle let's go."

"Excuse me. Ntando-" I pulled her by her arm away from Lesego and Resego. "What the hell was that!" She explodes when I immediately close the janitors door. "It looked like you were about to get hit by Resego. I just saved you." I say, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Sa-{laughs} saved me! Hell I wouldn't be in this if it weren't for you!" In the rush of emotions, I pull her in and capture her lips in a kiss. Her hands hit my chest but I jold her closer. Slowly, she wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me closer.

"W-wait...Anande yima" she pulled away and took a deep breath. "Uhm...uh  i-I...yhoo"

"You've got really soft lips." I say,  inching further for one last taste. "No Anande,  wait." She pushed me away. "Oh" I step away to give her space. "This," she motions between us,"is just too confusing for me." Shd says before pushing past me and walking out.

After five minutes, I walk out myself and the bell rings so I rush to fetch my bag from homeroom. School carries on with no problems but I rarely see Yandi. By the time five pm rolls around, I am tired and hungry. "Alright team, we are almost done. Just a few reminders before we dismiss." Coach says as we change in the locker rooms. "Its two days until the first game of the season. I know the pressure but we can do it! We will do it! And I trust you all. Each and every one of you are special and together we will conquer. There will be no practice on Friday to prepare you for Saturday. I know the game starts at six pm but I expect you here at 10 am."

"Yes coach" a corus goes around. "Good! Until then Panthers!!" He shouts and it gets wild in here. The noise eventually calms down and I walk out when I'm sure I have everything I need. "Yo watch out" I say when this boy bumps into me. "Hade King." The way he calls me rings a bell.  "E boy,"

"Sure?" He turns around and the similarities are uncanny, "Are you related to Yandisokuhle?"

"She's my sister. Why?"

"Just asking."

"Okay. Well since we are 'just asking', let me ask you this," he faces me fully and I see Mhlengiwezwe Mthethwa,  "What are you doing with my sister? Should I expect her to get hurt by this little game of cat and mouse you two play?"

"Your sister and I are close friends."

"You don't become 'close friends with someone over the span of a few weeks. Is unlikely. So I'll ask again Majola, what is going on between you and my sister? And should I expect her to get hurt"

"I like you sister-" he cut me off. "I don't care if you like her! Stay the fick away from her Majola." He inched closer to me

"Or what?" I took a step further. "Or-"

"Okay enough bromance in the hallways please. Natji let's go. Bye Ntando." She grabs the boy's hand and drags him off. "You good?" Some hand touches my chest and I flinch off. "Nxa" I walk off to my car and drive home feeling pissed.

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