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"I swear if I had a thousand for every time I was trending, I'd be rich, richer, richest!" The 16 year old girl was freaking out in her bedroom as she watched the news. She could already see more of those headlines. "Look, it will pass. It's just a stepping stone to your happily ever after." The door burst open and MaZulu walked in. "I'm okay ma." She had a feeling it would be about the news so why not reassure everyone who tries to comfort and reassure her. 

"I know baby. You are so strong." MaZulu came to join her only daughter on the bed. "Baba will hold a press conference to talk about the video." She shook her head, "No, let the people talk. I am so tired of people judging me without knowing the whole truth." She climbed off her bed and went to take a long bath. She was slowly getting immune to the public and as much as it would be beneficial to her, it would put a large mud stain on the Mthethwa's name and status. 

Once  she was satisfied with her now prune like skin, she got out and got dressed, making sure to apply a moderate amount of lotion. She got dressed in a black tight dress and wore a large checkered red and black shirt. She finished the outfit with gold sandals and jewelry. She tied her hair up into a bun and cleaned her room up. 

It was nearing midday when she walked downstairs so the house was half empty. Her family worked Sunday to Sunday, every holiday and public holiday. She ate a bowl of muesli and flushed it down with a glass of milk. She rinsed her dishes and then walked out to the patio to just relax. She shut her eyes for a minute, or so it seemed to her. The loud blaring ringtone of her phone woke her up. 

"Mmmm?" Her eyes were half-way shut as she answered. "Yandisokuhle?"


"It's Anande." Her eyes shot wide open. "O-oh Hello? What's going on?" she sat up strait. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me. Considering the fact that we didn't actually have our date yesterday."

"Oh yeah, sure, for sure. Uhm just send me the time and place." She was wide awake now as her heat increased in its rhythm. "Today, four pm."

"Okay, ill be there. 

" She was prepared to cut the call. "Wait- Yandisokuhle, I'll fetch you."  

"From my house?"

"Yes. Would that be a problem?" She shook her head, "Yandisokuhle?" she realized that she hadn't given him a verbal answer. "Yeah, there's no problem See you then." He cut the call immediately. She got up to freshen up. Since she was not sure about the place that she'd be going to. "What should I do?" she thought out loud.  "Probably don't go on this date." Nathi walked into her room. 

"Argh! Can't you knock! Jeez!" she walked into her closet and got dressed into a simple white dress with some black wedges. She finished the look with a red cardigan and took her white small handbag. "Why are you still here?" Her brother just stared at her. "I'm trying to find a way to convince you not to go to where ever this guy wants to take you."

"Do not bother. Now, leave my room. You've made a mess." She swatted him out and cleaned her room up. The clock was quick to strike 4 pm and the door bell rang. "NO ONE ANSWER!I GOT IT!" she basically flew down the stairs. Right before opening the door, she fixed herself up.

"Hi again." The smile on her face was as wide as ever as she stared at the pink flowers. "These are for you."  She gently took the flowers and took a whiff. "They smell so good." He smiled foolishly at her. "Shall we?" 

They walked to his matt blue Lamborghini and he opened the door for her. "Thank you." She smiled and secured her seatbelt. He walked to the other side and hopped in. "So...where are we going?" She asked him as he drove out of the estate. You will see. Get comfortable. I've got some snacks in the compartment." 

"Awesome." She took some biltong out and bit a piece off. She fed one to him and quickly looked away when he stared at her. "I don't want to die please." He just laughed at her words. They enjoyed the soft music and silence as he drove out of town to their destination. 

"Hey, Yandi, wake up." He shook her gently. "Hmmm?" her eyes opened slowly and she wiped them dry, putting her glasses on perfectly. "It's dark." 

"Which makes it all the more perfect. Come on." He opened her door for her and lead her down a path that only he could see. Slowly, the ground started lighting up scaring her into his arms. "It's okay, it's just some floor lights." He lead her to a wooden panel like stand that had a blow up bed, blankets and pillows every where. There was a picnic blanket  sitting in front of a white clear sheet that seemed to be projecting a movie. 

"Anande this is"

"Do you like it?" He came behind her, "I love it so much....its beautiful." 

"Come then." He pulled her by the arm. Together the got to the bed and sat down. "What are we watching?" He wordlessly handed her his phone. "I will connect it to the projector once you've decided on what we will watch." She could feel her heart physically melting from withi her chest. "I-I" he pulled the basket and opened it up. She laughed out loud. "Ngempela? (Seriously?)" Inside the basket were two kotas (Bunny chows) and cans of coke with a pack of Simba chips. 

"Why this though?" She was genuinely confused. "We are so used to fancy food and fancy clothes. I just wanted us to have a normal night normal as we can get." He smiled sheepishly. "Thank you so much." she took his hand  and entertwined their fingers. As she looked in his different colored eyes, she could feel the attraction grow stronger between them. 

"Uhm...let's eat." He laughed awkwardly. "Yes. Please." she wrapped her arms around her torso as he handed her the kota. "It's still warm? How?" 

"A magician never reveals his secrets." they both enjoyed themselves as they allowed the sounds of nature along with the movie to drown out their chaotic lives. "This was a good movie." She commented as they were cuddling. "Yeah, it was." She felt his warmth comforting her and his musky scent fill her senses. "We uh..." He pushed her onto her back and came atop her. "Yeah?" the breeze was chilly yet perfect and she could see his face properly as the sun luminated his facial features. 

"Anande..." her voice was a whisper in the breeze. Slowly, their lips connected in a soft and shy kiss. "Mmmm..." His fingers ran over her warm flesh as they deepened the kiss. "Wait..." He was kissing her neck when she pushed him by the shoulders. "What's wrong?" He looked very concerned. "It's late....I need to get home." He gave her a smile and got up from her body. 

"Come on then." He stood up and helped her up. "What about the-"

"I have it covered." Their hands entertwined as they walked down the trail up to the car. Once again, he opened the door for her and made sure she was comfortable in the car before going to his side. "Ready?" she gave a nod and he started the car. They drove off with their hands together. Little glances and small smiles were passed through the car all the way  to the Mthethwa family. 


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