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"Am I disturbing you?"

"Considering the fact that it's one am and normal people are asleep at this time, no. What can I do for you?" I sit up straight and rest on the couch headboard. "I just wanted someone to talk to..." He trails off,

"Oh, should I feel honored that The King considers me someone to talk to?" I didn't mean to come off as harsh as I am but this had been bugging me since, "What?"

"Oh come on Anande, don't act so confused."

"I guess I am disturbing you. Bye,"

"Hell no, you are not cutting this call." I sigh, "Tell me this Anande,"

"What?" He sounded defeated for some reason. "Are you okay?" I found myself asking.

"That's not what you wanted to ask but I'll still answer you...Is anyone ever okay in this day and age? I'm n...I'll be okay"

"...." I am speechless, his voice sounds so raw with emotion. "Uhm, pĺĺĺĺĺp"


"Sorry, my phone fell" he says, "Okay...uhm..."

"I like you Yandise-okuhle...I like you a lot a-and I don't know why or how...b-but I do. I'm fucked up okay a-and i-i don't want to bring you into that! You can't  get wrapped up in my shit-"


"You don't deserve that Yandise-okuhle-"

"I like you too...Anande Ntando Majola. I don't need to know why but I...I like you too." He got quiet "N-Anande?"

"Y-yeah, still here. You like me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I'm fucked up. "

"And who isn't?"

"A lot of people aren't as fucked up as I am."

"Evedyone is fucked up in some kind of way."

"Yeah" he chuckles, "What did you want to-to ask me earlier?"

"Uhm, since you like me...and-and I like you, what are we?"

"Two people who like one another?"

I laugh a little, "Yeah-"

"Listen Yandi, my life is too complex right now and probably for the rest of my life and-"

"I understand. "

He got silent for a minute, "I-Thank you."

"Yeah, that's what friends are for." I say, wiping the tear that fell down my eye. "I-I'm gonna sleep now, we do have school in a few hours. "

"Right. Yep. Good-Good night. "

"Good morning. But I'll see you at school." I don't wait for his response before I cut the call. I place my phone on my nightstand and slide back into bed.  I close my eyes but after two hours of shifting in bed, I finally give up.

I get out of bed and walk downstairs. "I'm really starting to think this is an inherited habit" I say as I see Baba working on his laptop in the  dining room. 

"And why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep." I shrug before walking to the kitchen to grab a pear. "These are so juicy Baba, wherever you go them from,  don't stop getting them from there."

"When did you take an interest in fruit?"

"When you took me to hell, sorry I mean school"

"Hmmm. Any unusual things happen?"

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