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I was uncuffed and I walked out of the interrogation room. I slowly and silently followed behind Mr Attorney whilst rubbing my sore wrists. "Ntombi yami. (My girl.)" I looked up at the sound of my father's voice and I was immediately pulled into my father's warm embrace. I broke down in tears. This had been a long day and I was over it and ready for it to be over. As we headed for the exit, we heard a lot of clicks, clutter and some chatter. Someone opened the door and rushed in breathlessly. "The paparazzi are here"  she said breathlessly.

"Let's go out through the back." Mr Attorney suggested when Baba turned to look at him. I held onto my father like he was my life source and without him I'd fall and die because in that moment, that's how I felt. We safely got to the cars were able to drive home quietly without being spotted. I had lost all my energy.

Somehow this school hates me, along with its students and teachers. I did not even bother with switching the lights to my room on. I just took my glasses off, placed them on the bedside table and I crawled into bed. My stomach chose to grumble then. I let out a loud groan of displeasure. My phone dinged with text messages flowing in.

Somehow, I cried in my sleep from the nightmares I got and my eyes were nearly halfway shut because of the swelling. My head was banging and my I felt parched. I stripped my clothed off and walked barefoot to the bathroom. The light coming from outside proved to be enough for me to see. I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I took an ice cold shower to wake me up and somewhat clear my head, i wore my bunny onsie.

It was already dark outside and my curtains were drawn in. I walked downstairs barefooted and got to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured milk inside, then I popped it in the microwave to warm it up. "Uvukile sisi." At the sudden sound of his voice, I turned around. "Couldn't sleep." Was my response to his somewhat question and statements.

"Can relate." He walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. "Nathi!"

"Yebo sisi?"

"How is Roséry high? For you i mean."

"Its alright sisi. I-okay, let me say...its bearable."

"Right." I took my glass and sipped the milk while he gulped down his water. "Why?" He questioned. "Aii bhuti Mina angisizwi leskolo yazi. Ngathi yonke indawo wngiya kuyo, khona umuntu ongzondayo. (Honestly brother I am not feeling this school. Its like every where I go, there is someone who hates me.)"

"Okay, that's crazy. Why would anyone hate you? Who'd hate you actually?"

"So many people Nathi. So many people."

"But, why?" We moved to the living room. "Maybe because I'm the heiress to the Mthwthwa throne. The only heiress, might I add."

"Right. I forgot. You are basically a princess."

I acted hurt with a mock expression on my face. "I apologize, your highness."

"Wuuu, aii. I could never. Royalty is a royal pain in the ass."

"Tell mW about it. And how do you know? You don't even have a single royal bone in your body."

"Doesn't mean I'm blind or oblivious to all the royal shit that happens. Take the Xhosa kingdom for instance."

"What about it?"

"You can smell the drama from miles away." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Okay, you are crazy." He the his heavy self on top of me. "Oof Nathi! Uyasinda-"

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