14. Façade

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The walk from the lobby to the restaurant where their friends awaited was spent throwing glances at each other, either understanding the unspoken deal. Sadie was painfully aware of what thoughts Bella had, precisely the reason why she didn't go into the restaurant screaming at the top of her lungs how the most beautiful girl was her's.

And yet, everytime the ginger girl's eyes darted to her girlfriend, she could only see her on the bed, naked, exposed, just for her. Her head was ringing with all the soft, and not so soft, moans that the blonde created. If she didn't have the conversation in the morning, she would be sure she was dreaming.

But no, her and Elle kissed, talked, slept with each other. And this was the only thing that replayed in her mind every time her eyes lingered for longer than 5 seconds on the gorgeous girl walking next to her at a slow pace. As if she knew what she was thinking, like she could read her mind, she was going agonizingly slow.

Sadie found herself forced to break eye contact when more than a few seconds passed, or she was going to walk into someone or something. Still, it wasn't an easy task, given the fact she wanted to recreate their shared time together, again, and again, and again.

The Redhead only snapped out of her trance as she saw Millie's burning gaze on her. Was the brunette always this scary or did she genuinely know what happened between them, before they even thought of telling her?

"Hey there." Elle smiled softly, the fake innocence in her voice managing to drag out smiles from their friends, Millie included. But Sadie knew, she very well knew and could hear their spent night together. If she didn't hear her other side, she would also fall for her trick, but not anymore.

"Hey!" Caleb stood up, bringing her for a hug. The others also waved their hands, before diving back into their last breakfast in the hotel, or at least for a while. Christmas was coming up, and even if they hadn't finished filming, most of the actors wouldn't stay away from their families for the holidays. So, coincidentally enough, this time they finished right before the said vacation, and had to go for the premiere soon after.

Caleb pulled a chair, gesturing for the blonde to sit next to him. She flashed him a bright smile, thanking him with a nod. Sadie subtly raised a brow at their interaction, a small hit of jealousy washing through her. Before she could even calm herself down, Millie had basically pushed her on the chair next to her, presenting her with an entirely vegan plate.

"Thank you." she looked down at the fresh fruits, her hand grabbing the nearest fork. The brunette next to her smiled, her attention soon shifting back to her conversation with Noah and Gaten. Apparently, they were talking about some interview, something that Sadie had absolutely no interest in, or at least not when her eyes kept meeting with Elle's, while the blonde was talking with her best friend.

She knew the game they were playing right now might end up badly, but she was up for the challenge anyway. She started holding eye contact for a second or two longer each time, every time ending with her lips slightly curling up in a smirk.

And Sadie knew she was affecting Elle, noticing the small stumbling on her words each time, her cheeks flushing a little and Caleb raising a brow every time his best friend would say the wrong thing or drop her fork while eating. Millie seemed to not notice their interactions, or didn't want to bring it up yet, but the ginger girl knew very well her best friend would pull her aside and question every single little thing that happened beforehand. At some point.

But before that...

Without thinking too much, her hand secretly crawled on Elle's thigh, her eyes moving to Millie and instead engaging in a conversation with her. She knew what she was doing, drawing tight circles on her girlfriend's skin and acknowledging her breath going quicker every second.

Bound To Falling In Love // Sadie SinkWhere stories live. Discover now