Chapter 1

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Astrid POV

I know why Heather wanted it, but did she really have to take it like that? I mean honestly - I doubt holding a gun to my head and grinning evilly, telling me to hand it over is legal.

Come on! It was just a note Snotlout had given me - saying how he wanted to date me and so on:

To Astrid (babe)

I wanted to know if u wanted to go out with me tomorrow to watch the football match. I have bought tickets for u and me. Please say yes babe!


Seriously? Football? Snotlout can go ask someone else, because I am not interested.

I was still angry later when I finally left mine and Heather's dorm, just because Heather had been saying how I should say yes. Ugh. It was about ten am when I first arrived to the main building. I should probably introduce myself too:

I am Astrid Hofferson. I am 19 years old.

A tier 23 blue representative, and I currently live with Heather Deranged, who is in fact deranged. She's a tier 21.3 green representative. We live at Berk Military Camp. Basically it's a place where people live away from home to voluntarily help in the war(s).

What is a representative I hear you ask? Well hundreds of years ago everyone divided into colour factions for no apparent reason; red, blue, green, orange, yellow, white, purple and BLACK. Darkness (black) were the most powerful race, but now they're all dead.

We were based on tiers of power:1 - 10 is Low tier.11 - 20 is High tier.21 - 30 is God tier.31 - 40 is Wrath tier.41 - 99 is Insane tier.100 is Max tier or Superior tier.

Anyway, back to the story.

I arrived alongside Heather into a huge, steel and wood building with secured doors and shooting ranges; scientific laboratories and torture chambers; long, pointless corridors and wide, unnessecary rooms.

It was amazing.


"Now then everyone, did you all get your equipment?" asked Sergeant Mala. Everyone muttered a small 'yeah' and stood up. The Sergeant suddenly commanded,

"But wait. First of all I'd like to tell you all something. We have a new member. Please all welcome Hiccup Haddock." A new member? WHAT? We haven't had a new member in absolutely ages! I wonder what he's like.

Hiccup's POV

As I casually walked into yet another camp, I stood calmly as everyone cheered and clapped - not sure why they would. I've never been clapped for by someone who knows who I am really. I'm just an idiotic person who has lived a life of sorrow. Well anyway, here we go.

----------In The Lunch Hall----------

"Babe! Will you say yes? Great! Let's go and look at the seat plan, it'll be quite busy there and----"Snotlout was cut off by Astrid's fist on his jaw, partly breaking it.

"I'm sorry Snotlout, but if you really want a date go ask the wall, it would be a perfect match for you. Heather laughed loudly at that, and all the bystanders joined in. Having stopped laughing now, Heather grabbed Astrid's arm and whispered,

"Look, there's Hiccup. Let's go talk to him."

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