Chapter 2

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Astrid's POV

We cautiously walked over to the tall figure, and I wondered whether he was a statue because he was standing so still.

"Hello, err... Hiccup?" I asked slowly.

He turned his head towards us, and I finally took in what I saw; a tall, extremely muscular figure with messy auburn hair and shining green eyes like emeralds, and he wore a black leather jacket that must've cost at least three hundred pounds: he must be rich.

His trousers were worn and ripped at the shins, and the black gloves he wore seemed to be leather too. Everything he wore was black. In his hand was a mobile phone (I'm not good with technology types or anything like that) that he was texting on, and the other hand was in his pocket.

"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed.

"Ok, ok, no one's threatening you!" I replied. He looked at me with a calculation gaze, and I then noticed his perfect jawline - Shut up Astrid! Focus! - I stared back nervously.

When he was angry he looked so... scary. It was as if with his eyes he was telling you that 'you are number one on his to kill list so why not jump into a hole'! After realising he wouldn't back down, I stopped and said,

"Ok, Hiccup, what is wrong with you? All we came over here for is to get to know you, to ask you what your tier is-"

"You don't need to know."

"-Your faction-"


"-and maybe if we can be friends?"

At the word 'friends' Hiccup's eyes narrowed, his gaze turned cold and he put his phone in his pocket.


I don't know why he was so angry, but it certainly made me mad. I activated my God tier ability, causing blue fore to surround me, and I suddenly held a full sized battle-axe. My eyes glowed blue: this was my tier 23 ability.

"OK THEN, LET'S FIGHT, JUST YOU AND ME!" I yelled at him.

"Astrid are you sure--" Heather asked worriedly. I nodded at her, determined to win.

Hiccup's POV

So she's got a pretty good ability, so what? She made me angry and i guess it was only somewhere near tier 23 that her ability is at so it's not such a big deal then. Powering one of the several abilities I have, I grin fiendishly as my eyes begin to glow black and my fists are shrouded in mist darker than coal.

"COME ON THEN WEAKLING!" I knew Hofferson's ability would rely on rage to make it more 

powerful, so if I anger her the fight would be more exciting.

She rushed towards me, ready to swing her stick. Confirming where she would strike, I prepared to dodge and or block and succeeded. Lightning fast I landed my own punch... and sent her flying across the hall. Well that worked. But she got up and ran towards me, and I'd put the level of noise she was screaming at to about 'like DanTDM getting jumpscared on fnaf and screaming loudly'.

But hers was a battle cry, not a cry of ultimate terror and it proved my point about her and rage. I stepped to the side swiftly, but she was incredibly accurate with that weapon of hers; she clipped my arm with it, letting a long, deep red scar appear.

"Haha." she said, pointing at my arm. I calmly walked over to her, and with my good arm I clutched her throat, effectively strangling her. She began to panic as she couldn't get out of my grip.

"," she managed to say, blood running from the corner of her mouth.

"No." I replied, laughing sadistically.

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