Chapter 26

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Hiccup's POV

We're not in love.

The moon lit up the grassy fields as if there were industrial spotlights scattered around the place.

We share no stories.

I would've said there were stars to help with the brightening, but it was cloudy. And raining. And cold.
Remember people, this is set in Britain.

Just something in your eyes.

I quickly pulled out my phone, as it had buzzed a moment ago. There was a text from Astrid:
'Hiccup we need to talk. Privately.'

Don't be afraid.

I felt something in my chest, like a shooting pain, and slowly put my phone back in my jacket pocket.

The shadows know me.

The pain immediately increased, and I stopped walking, beginning to feel confused.

Let's leave the world behind.

Then I noticed something blocking my vision, like a smudge of some sort of liquid. When I tried to wipe it off, it just spread, and the pain in my chest became unbearable.

Take me through the night;

I couldn't see anything anymore for all the black liquid on my face, but still I clawed at my eyes, desperately trying to remove it.

Fall into the dark side.

I don't know what is happening to me. But by now all I was thinking about was whether or not I would see tomorrow in daylight.

We don't need the light;

Unable to cope with the pain, I yelled out a single word,
But there was no one.

We'll live on the dark side.

Eventually, when I was sure I was dead, the pain stopped. I could see again, through a tainted blackened window one would call the eye.

I see it, let's feel it;

I slowly got up, and realised it wasn't cloudy anymore. I wasn't in a field of lush green grass. The grass was like black wire and the sky a dead, eternal... void. Imagine space with no stars, planets or moons, with no asteroids or satellites, just... darkness.

While we're still young and fearless.

What I sensed next made me angry. There was life. Close. Little humans all working and being happy. Lucky them. Well, they would get what they deserved.

Let go of the light;

I began to walk over to them, travelling at great speed.

Fall into the dark side.

Reaching them, I realised they were all partying: perhaps because of the fact that it was not long after Year's End, and it was the New Year.

Fall into the dark side.

There was a large building with massive tinted windows, and lots of multicoloured light coming through. Seemed like a disco.

Give into the dark side.

I walked up to the door, and knocked. My knocking echoed for miles, so everyone inside stopped, despite their loud music and social atmosphere.

Let go of the light;

The doors were unlocked so attendants were able to come in. I pushed them open, revealing the crowd inside, each wearing fashionable clothes and most holding cocktails and champagne.


Upon seeing my apparently terrifying appearance, many screamed and others powered up lazy abilities. After all, if you saw a person that was slightly taller than you at 2.3 metres and made completely out of an inky substance, what would you think?

Beneath the sky;

Out of everyone, one man stepped forward, asking,
"Excuse me sir?" I looked at him, "Who are you?"

As black as diamonds.

I laughed and replied in a booming voice,

We're running out of time.

Suddenly the man fell over, and it was obvious he was dead. There was a pool of darkness around his head.
I leapt forwards when I realised those who had an active ability were preparing to attack after seeing the murder.

Don't wait for truth;

Half of the crowd were removed from existence when I swept my arm out, and the rest were injured.

To come and blind us.

Several alarms went off, and I realised one of them was a panic alarm. The police were coming.

Let's just believe their lies.

I summoned the void and many suffocated in it, while the rest died to my second blow.

Believe it, I see it;

There was one man who remained standing.

I know that you can see it.

"I am Sir Alfred Waltersmith - a tier 68 green representative, leader of the Western Regions and peacekeeper of anywhere I choose."

No secrets worth keeping;

I lunged at him, and he dodged and threw a green fireball at me, which I absorbed effortlessly.

Just fool me like I'm dreaming.

Grunting in annoyance, Sir 'I'm so awesome' was about to attack again but I seized him by the neck and held him against the wall, choking him.

Take me through the night;

"YOU WILL DIE HERE, AND IT IS BY YOUR OWN DOING." I roared furiously, but he took the chance of my distraction and attempted to free himself.

Fall into the dark side.

What he actually ended up doing was making a deep wound in my shoulder and killing himself.
I gazed at the body for a moment, then walked away.

The police sirens outside were irritating and I needed to get rid of them.

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