Chapter 25

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Hiccup's POV

Gliding across the fields on pure nothingness, I went over what Astrid had asked me. I had asked her the question for a totally different reason. I hadn't expected her to return it to me.
But I did love her. Honestly I did.

My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. Landing on the wet, long grass that must've spanned twenty acres at least, I answered it cautiously.
Ah. My employer.

"Fury? You there? Night Fury?"

"Yes, I'm here. Is the equipment in place?"


"What the hell do you mean 'no'?"

"The deal is off. Goodbye Fury."

He hung up, leaving me quite irritated. I was to be payed two million British pounds in return for an assassination, so they had left a Barrett M95 on the rooftop opposite the '34CQ-GAMES' building.
Suddenly there was a bang, and I heard the soft metal clang of a bullet landing in the grass. Spinning round, there was a man lying on the ground about a hundred metres away.

It was pitch black, with no moon to light my deadly way but I still managed to make sure the sniper never saw his family again.
Well, they would see him, just in a coffin.

I decided to get out of here before anyone else saw a gun and started firing it at people. Opening a portal, I disappeared into the void, leaving only a dead body and a massive sign saying 'Haha nice try' next to it.
The sign even lit up.

Astrid's POV

I was walking along one of the meadow paths when I suddenly heard a number of gunshots on my left. Instinctively, I activated my ability, ready to defend myself as I walked over the hill.
There was a familiar crackle, which made me walk much faster, but when I got to the place I only just managed to see a black hole-thing close.

There was a body on the ground, and for some reason some sick person had placed a massive wooden sign covered in Christmas lights, with the words 'NICE TRY! :)' Written in blood on it. Honestly, I'm pretty sure whoever did it was the same person that killed people for money.

The body didn't belong to anyone I recognized, but he was holding what I took for a sniper rifle, so I guess he had tried to kill Hiccup then.
There were more gunshots and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and, feeling it, realised I'd been hit.

I brought up a temporary barrier between myself and the rest of the world while I figured out what the hell was happening.
So here's what I thought:
Hiccup was walking along and someone had tried to kill him because he'd failed to do a job/done it wrong/betrayed them/they had betrayed him.
He had reacted by killing the sniper and had left before anyone else turned up. I had come, and more people had come to try and kill him. The only issue was that he thought I was him.

Preparing to attack, there was suddenly a deafening thud, and all the grass turned a horrible black. I saw a dark silhouette standing on the hill, and he began to run over to my attackers - or his attackers?
When he ran every footstep must've taken him four metres, and when he arrived everyone just... died.

They fell over clawing at their throats and vomiting black liquid.
Taking off the barrier, I stood up and, ignoring the pain I had managed to slightly remove, stumbled over to the figure. But he immediately dissolved into a liquid that resembled ink, and disappeared. The grass resumed it's actual colour, thankfully.

(The new, most powerful character is being based of evil Bendy in Bendy and the Ink Machine, just without the 'Bendy' body.)

"What are you doing here?" A booming voice demanded behind me. Spinning round, I saw a black figure standing there, observing me. There was something incredibly terrifying about it's presence.
"Hiccup?" I whispered weakly. The figure seemed to pause for a moment, then it lay down. All the blackness left it, leaving a human body, and one that I recognized at that.

Standing up, Hiccup Haddock said,
"Hey Astrid. What are you--- oh wait..." My wound suddenly disappeared, and I felt slightly better but still as confused as heck.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, and I understood it seemed he had no idea of much of what had happened. It was almost as if the other person was another side of him. His demon.

"I was just walking on the path over there back home and there were gunshots, so I came to take a look."
I answered, and, his eyes went from kind to dark again.
"Ahh," he muttered, "The void demon."

And with that he disappeared, leaving me to start walking home again.

"Heart of a Sorrowstone"

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