Chapter 3

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"No." I replied, laughing sadistically.

As Hofferson struggled in my grip, tears in her eyes, her useless friend Heather had activated her ability - probably about tier 21 - and was rushing at me with a double-bladed axe. I would dodge but to move would be to give Hofferson a chance to escape. I grimaced painfully as Heather's cold, iron blade sank in between my shoulder blades. Blood poured out, covering her axe but still did I stand my ground. No one crosses me and gets away with it. No one.
"Argh! What does it take to get you off of her! Just LET GO!!" Heather shouted frustratedly. There was a crowd of people standing watching; haha - this is a great school: one of their God tiers are about to die and they just watch. It's funny.

"Stop..................Please! I........can't...............breathe!" And with that Hofferson's eyes rolled backwards in her head and she fell limp. She was still alive however. I wasn't getting done for murder again, that wasn't a very pleasant experience. But I'd say she suffered enough pain now for me to leave... then my vision went blurry - I realised Heather had managed to get many more hits than I thought; I was covered in blood. I was going to pass out... but I couldn't... not here... I had to get away......
Then my vision went BLACK...

Astrid's POV

"Ow, my head..." I groaned tiredly as I woke up.
"It's better if you don't talk for now; your vocal cords have been damaged. Most of it's just your aesophagus, muscle and everything else you get in your neck. Oh which includes your windpipe. I immediately noticed how hard it was to breathe.

Then it all came back to me. The fighting, the yelling, Hiccup strangling me... I noticed a random pad and pencil were on the table, so I picked it up and wrote on it:

What happened to Hiccup?

Hiccup's POV

Gasping for air, I exhaustedly woke up from the happier place my nightmares took me.
I'll just lie here until the sun goes out, I thought miserably, I'm gonna go back to sleep.
And I did.

Astrid's POV

Walking around with a collar-thing on my neck is annoying. All the time I have to keep my neck up straight, so then it ends up aching. Snotlout said he feels really sorry for me, and guess what? He also said that he wanted to make it up to me by taking me to the football match - ugh. Seriously?

After much consideration, and a story from Heather about the 'mishap' as it's been called, I decided to go back to the lunch hall. So I walked along the corridors, and met Dagur, a tier 17.9 white representative, who would've laughed if he wasn't so much lower in power than me. He'd have laughed because I just got beaten by some new kid. Honestly when I find him I swear I'll------

As I entered the double doors, I glimpsed a mangled body long on the ground by the Western wall. Blood was everywhere and I think I know who the person was. Heather told me she'd hit him with her axe, but I didn't think she meant like this...


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