Chapter 20

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On she swam.
On through the bodies that reached for her,
On through the sludge that tried to consume her.
On through the blackness that seemed infinite,
On through the hell that required such grit.

Until she reached it.
By now the bodies took up more spaces than the liquid, though the liquid was more blood now than what it was originally.
There was one body she recognized. It had white hair and grey eyes, a bloody face and its limbs were sprawled out.
It also seemed more... alive.

Rushing over, Heather gazed into Astrid's colourless face and almost cried. Her best friend had had this done to her by someone that friend had liked. A lot.
Gathering all her strength, she turned around and began to swim up.
It was now she realized her desperate need for oxygen.

Hiccup's POV

They said I wasn't good enough.
They said if I continued as I was, they'd take matters into their own hands. They'd finish it.
I can't let that happen. She had to die. But it wasn't her. Her dying wouldn't change anything. Not really. It wasn't her.

I had to die. That would fix it all.

The universes were changing. Time was moving on. There was a problem.

All the darkness representatives were dead - but not me. I should be dead, but I cheated. I ran away in the battle. The others killed the darkness faction because we were too powerful, because we killed for fun.

We were spoiling the balance, and so am I. If this continued I would spoil everything.

I had to die. It would fix everything.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a splash and someone gasping for air...

Omniscient POV

The exhausted, persistent girl dragged a body onto the grass, out of the void fluid that was... now gone. She was stained with blood and her face was cramped in pain and tiredness. Through it all, she still managed to yell,
"ASTRID!" To the pale figure lying down.

Almost immediately, Astrid Hofferson woke up. She was breathing heavily, and the first thing she did was whisper,
"Behind... you."

And then she died.

Screaming, Heather stared at her blank face, the face of a warrior, the face of a friend.
Then she remembered what Astrid had just said. Her final words.
But it was too late.

The feeling of cold metal against the skin is known to bring fear. As Hiccup Haddock stabbed Heather in the back with a VoidKnife, what Heather felt was not that. It was a sense of hopelessness.
That everything was lost.

She fell to the ground, and stared back at him. His face was pale, all the blood had drained from it. He wasn't smiling, which was a thing he'd naturally do when he killed someone.
He was crying.

Crying tears of blood.

It was then that Heather took her final breath.

Hiccup gazed at the two dead girls, feeling nothing for them. Should this have happened a month earlier, he'd have felt horrified at how he'd killed his girlfriend.
But now there was nothing. Only silence, and that final peace.

With that, Hiccup Haddock, the last darkness representative and the most powerful being on the planet with an ability tier of 100, stabbed himself over and over with his own knife, making not a sound.
But there was a sudden flash of lightning as he fell to the ground.


Elizabeth Taylor was walking down the road where she lived, as she'd just gone shopping. In her wrinkled hands was a bag of groceries, with a bright red apple peeking silently over the top.
As she hobbled along, the bag seemed to change in her left hand. She glanced down at it, saw nothing and continued walking. She also noticed a group of teenagers on the road. They were on their phones, as usual.
It was this generation's problem - electronic devices. She used to tell her grandson about how they never had phones when she was younger.

The paper bag ripped in half.
The teenagers dropped their phones, letting them smash on the floor. But they just stood still.
Elizabeth looked round, noticing the absolute silence, with not a car to disrupt the noises as they always would.

Then everyone around her vomited, then fell over into it, and stopped breathing.
But they vomited blood.
Elizabeth shrieked, and suddenly her vision went.

There was a loud thud and a crash of lightning. It began to rain - but it wasn't water, but a black liquid. The ground shook, and every living person who were lying down not breathing woke up.

It was obvious something had happened.
Little did they know what it was.

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