Chapter 7

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"Astrid! Is it really true? I heard Hiccup Haddock has been captured!" Jasmine asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes - this was the hundredth time I'd been asked this - and answered exhaustedly,
"Yes, Jasmine, that's right." She gasped loudly and ran over to her friends.

Believe it or not, this took place two days after the incident, and I was still bandaged. I can't believe that psycho Hiccup had come back: why risk your life for revenge that won't change anything? Of course many would say they'd have done the same as him; revenge is revenge after all.

During military science with Mr. Ingerman, who was indeed a professional scientist, (he was also getting very old now) I found it super hard to concentrate. I was thinking about him. At some point Miss Mala - the head of Berk Combat and Strategy Institution (BCSI) - was going to ask me to come see him. That wasn't going to go smoothly at all.

Suddenly a desperate yell sounded from the unknown criminal containment department (UCCD), and I recognised it as that of someone who'd gone crazy. There was only one person in the UCCD... Hiccup.

Omniscient POV

The man yelled deafeningly and the doctors winced as another lot of blood was coughed up. He was in a truly terrible condition, but he wouldn't let anyone assist him. They were trying as hard as they could. He reached out again and grabbed one of the wires used for sustaining the gases he required for staying calm (not that it was working) and ripped them from out powerfully. After doing so, he fainted.

"Ugh," groaned Fishlegs, who had been called in for an emergency regarding an uncontrollable patient, "are we ok now?" Then the psycho opened his eyes again. He stared at Fishlegs, utterly calm and collected, giving the illusion that the previous incident had never happened. Then he muttered,
"There we go."

Astrid's POV

DING DONG! DING-A-DONG-A-DOONG-A-DINGY! (Even better alarm/sound effects now! Onomatepia is amazing, don't you think?) WOULD MISS ASTRID 'FEARLESS' HOFFERSON PLEASE REPORT DIRECTLY TO ROOM 74 UCCD. IMMEDIATELY. THANKYOU. HELLO LARSON? COULD I HAVE A CUP OF TEA-- OH? IT'S STILL ON? THEN TURN IT OFF!-- I managed a small chuckle at this then realised what was happening; I knew it wouldn't go well. It never did with him involved. But there seemed to be something, buried at the bottom of my mind. Was it fear? Anxiety perhaps? Possibly anger. Or was it... relief? Worry? No. It couldn't be. There's no way. Or was there?

As I walked the corridors towards the medical side of the building, I coincidentally bumped into Heather, who had already been to the UCCD for him. She grabbed my arm, a shocked look on her face,
"He told me where he'd been. What he'd been doing. He's been alone for so long, and he's gone crazy." Surprised, I replied slowly,
"What do you mean--" She shook her head and walked past me.
"You'll find out soon enough."

"Ah, Miss Hofferson," the guard greeted quietly, "you can go right through." He opened the door, revealing a chained up shape: I had no idea this was how it would go. The doctors invited me in; apparently they wanted me and him to have a little 'talk'. After they left the room, I sat on one of the visitor chairs, staring at him. He stared back.

"There are many ways to kill someone. So many unwritten methods. And you are only taught the ones that are written. My ways were never recorded," he said almost silently. I paused for a moment, then replied,
"Haddock. We are taught the method that suits us. Not just the one that is already known." At this he, who seemed to have no emotion save for fury and sadism, laughed. His laugh was an extremely unusual one. It was murderous, like he was laughing at you because he planned to feed you to his dog. A dog without teeth. (Who understands my reference?)

In addition to his ferocious laugh, he rolled his eyes back in his head, leaving not a white colour, but a black. It looked now as if he had no eyes: just eye sockets. Until you properly looked of course. Then you'd be even more terrified. But I was Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson. I was scared of nothing. So I then inquired,
"So where have you been for these past years?" He grinned, and, eyes still rolled back, he muttered,
"Oh, wouldn't you love to know."

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