Chapter 11

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While he was backed against the wall, with no means of escape, Hiccup didn't panic. His eyes however lay a desperate plea of help, but he didn't show it or want to show it.

He listened to the thundering of the elite armed guards boots as they came closer.
"Hiccup," I said, and he stared blankly at me, as if his mind had been wiped,
"Let me help you. I understand what you are missing."

He swallowed, then replied in a cracking voice,
"Why should I trust you?"
Staying calm, I whispered,
"Because I'm the only chance you have."

There was a long pause.

Finally, he nodded reluctantly and said,
"If you truly desire to know where I'll be, meet me at Shooting Range E tonight." There was a loud shout from behind me, and Hiccup stiffened.

Eight elite guards carrying M16A4's were staring at him violently. They had the muzzles of their weapons pointed directly to his heart. The leader was just about to speak, but something else happened first:

Faster than lightning, Hiccup dived forward and grabbed one of the guards guns. At the same time he seemingly appeared at the leader's side, holding a gun to his head.
"I do dislike using methods like this; oh well." He coughed heavily.

The guards, who were incredibly well-trained, took the opportunity and the leader, whose name was Jeffry Well-done, kicked Hiccup in the temple roughly. Hiccup barely stumbled, although there was blood coating one side of his head.

His eyes turned void black and all the guards immediately died. Just like that. It was as if there was an invisible bomb that didn't destroy anything else. Then there was a flash, and Hiccup was gone.

Hiccup's POV

Great. What have I done?
I thought I'd be living the rest of my life the way I'm good with: murder and silence; secrets and sorrow.

Socialising with the Hofferson girl wasn't part if the flipping plan! I guess I have to keep the deal; I'll not be a no-show. But it was the only way.

It's getting dangerous now.

I know Hofferson knew I'd given up.

But they'll never see me die...

Astrid's POV

So... I'm meeting the Haddock tonight. I'm not scared: I'm Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson! Hopefully it goes well and he doesn't turn me into a bloody mess. Ugh.

Walking through the hall, (just one of them: I can't be bothered being specific about which hall) and some of the girls and boys were in a group at the side, collectively talking about something. I walked over curiously to have a look.

"Hey guys, what are you looking at---" I discontinued my inquiry after seeing something both amazing and worrying.
Jessica was holding out a purple and black stone.
It was very much like dust, as the black part seemed to come off on your hands. The other colour was a deep, dark purple which glowed spookily.

"See Astrid? This is mine. I finally have something cooler than your God-tier ability," she stated proudly.
"Where did you find it?" I asked slowly. Her reply was as expected:
"I'm not telling you."
"It was in the UCCD where Hiccup was," Jasmine blurted suddenly.

I laughed as Jessica glared furiously at Jasmine, then I realised something...
"Wait," I asked, "What were you doing in the UCCD?"
I could tell she was panicking.
"I - errr... I was searching for... errr... for clues to who Hiccup is. Yes. That's it."

Completely believable.

BANG! Everyone jumped in surprise and then stared as black dust that wasn't much different to the rock began to form a shape in the air. Eventually, you could make out a person.
'Wha--' is what Heather managed to say before the humanoid figure changed to become solid.

"Give me the Sorrowstone," a voice whispered quietly, and then the figure became familiar.


Jessica stared blankly, obviously not realising what he meant. Jemma shouted into her ear,
"Wait what? No!" Jessica exclaimed rather childishly. Heather told her that the Sorrowstone was probably dangerous, and everyone agreed. She also said that Hiccup probably knew what to do with it. They did not.
Everyone agreed.

"Wait one second," she commanded like a detective figuring out a crime case, "What even is the Sorrowstone?"
Hiccup sighed frustratedly and answered,
"That isn't relevant. It's dangerous to humans, so it's better when it's taken care of."

Hesitating, he continued,
"And if you keep it, you'll eventually find out why it was named 'The Sorrowstone'."

At this she turned and bolted along a random corridor. Hiccup roared in rage and disappeared.

What was the Sorrowstone?

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