Chapter 4

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"Hiccup." I could tell that as soon as I opened my mouth to speak he tensed up, but I think he knew I was there when I entered the room. Who was this guy? What was he? A God tier? Perhaps even Wrath tier? As I silently walked over to him I noticed the deep scar in his back, the scratches on his arms and legs, the blood on his forehead.

Hiccup's POV

Why do you have to come now? Of all times NOW?!?!

Ugh. If Hofferson really desires to kill me, then let her try. Her ability probably isn't strong enough for it, but----
"I want to help," she stated gently, not breaking eye contact with me. After times of pain I'd trained myself to be able to sense rise in blood pressure when someone lies.
I couldn't sense it here.

(Trust No One)

"Leave me alone," I managed to say, "I, don't" At the confession her expression changed to that of a sad figure, maybe because she thought I might've known she'd kill me?



he carefully walked over to me and laid her hand on my arm, whispering,
"You need medical help Hiccup. You could bleed to death."


"If you'd just let me help you I could get you to the infirmary, where you can recover," her voice soothing, full of care.


"No. I'll take my chances Hofferson."
"Why don't you trust anyone? Please Hiccup, I need you to trust me!" I found a great why to change the subject temporarily;
"Why do you seem so frantic in letting me survive?" There was silence after this, which made me create different suspicions about her. Well at least she's had her vocal cords fixed well enough to speak.

A sharp, stabbing pain ran like an electric surge throughout my body, and I ignored the pain and sprang upwards instinctively. Of course Heather had thrown an axe at me. It hit me on the back of the neck, so I'd be dead if I was a normal person. Yay! I glared angrily at Heather, who held her dual-bladed axe, ready to fight. But it was much simpler than that of course. I activated my darkness ability (last time it was power) and turned to dust.

It amplified my movement speed by 300%, and I swiftly flew round to behind Heather, and returned to my original form. During the same second, I fired a black beam at her, corrupting her with deadly magic, deeming her paralysed. It was almost funny how Heather struggled when I walked up to her; I was satisfied, she was scared.
"So then. That was a horrendous attempt," I confirmed mockingly.

But I couldn't keep it up. My grip was slipping on the magic that held her in place... Quicker than I thought she could, she broke free and plunged her axe into my heart, just as I fell unconscious from the previous pain.
This could be the end of the road.

Astrid's POV

"Heather! Why would you do that? I was just about to get him to let us help him," I wasn't very happy with her; but I'm sure that was apparent.
"I don't think we ought to help him. He nearly killed you," she replied defiantly.
"What? No we have to help him!"
"No we don't. It's not worth our time," she stated, grabbing my arm and pulling him away. It was then I noticed the blood and gasping he was doing: he was faking the unconsciousness, but he would die very soon. But what could I do? No one else wanted him alive.

Heather's POV

Why does Astrid want to help that idiot so badly? It's not like he's done nothing to her! But we're not helping him. If he dies then he deserves it. We had nothing to do with it; he attacked us. So we just left him, dying on the floor, maybe when the spare lunch hall, which is the one he was in, is used again - it is only used when there's a problem with the main one - he'll be found, but that might take a while because there's rarely a problem with the main school hall.

I don't care if he dies.

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