Chapter 12

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My eyes adjusted to the darkness of Shooting Range E, there wasn't even a moon to light my not-so-merry way.
I wasn't scared; I wasn't worried either. I'm Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson!

Even so I had no idea where he'd be, and I knew he could quite easily kill me with his unknown tier. Ugh.

Suddenly there was a shuffling, then a thud. I heard footsteps behind me and instinctively whirled around. There was a dark figure standing right in front of me. His eyes were completely black, his hands were coated in blood.

Come to think of it, he looked as of he'd been fighting another equivalent tier: he was covered in blood. Then he spoke:
"So you came."
His voice was deep and it evidently pained him to speak. I encouraged myself to reply to this dark, lonely figure.

He shook his head and laughed that same laugh.
"No. You were always going to come because you were too curious not to."
So, after trying to get his terrifying laugh out of my head, I asked him what he wanted with me.

He replied something unexpected:
"No. The reason I'm here is because thee desires to help me. Tell me, Hofferson, why?"
After a long-ish pause, I answered,
"Because you are lost. Whatever has happened to you, it has separated you from the rest of the world..."


"...And I want to change that."
He stared at me, a longing look in his eyes.


He opened his mouth to speak, but instead of saying something, he lunged forwards.


While lunging forwards, he grabbed my shoulders and kissed me on the lips.
I was at first surprised, but then I forgot everything and kissed back. After about seven seconds, we parted and he whispered gently,
"So. I guess we can be friends. Perhaps. Maybe."

I smiled happily and replied,
"Ok. But just stop killing people ok?'
His expression loosened, now it seemed he was trying to smile, but I don't think he had smiled in a long time.

"I can't make any promises." After saying this, Hiccup turned to dust and disappeared.

Jessica's POV

I was out of breath after running for such a short time; I just couldn't run anymore than five metres without slowing down. And I had a real bad headache, my feet were killing and somehow I'd cut myself on the same hand that was carrying the Sorrowstone.

I'm pretty sure all this wasn't natural. Was I sick? Maybe. Wait.
It couldn't be... no. It can't be the stone that's doing this. It's impossible... right?

As I ran down the corridor for the short length of time that I could, I had heard Hiccup's angry roar, and... I'll admit it, it scared me.

Hang on a second: why am I like this?
Jessica Bouvreworth (a completely random surname) doesn't get scared, or sick, or anything like that.
She is amazing!
I need to lie down. Ugh.

Walking down pointless corridor number four hundred and eighty-seven, I refuse to admit that I began to feel nauseous. My vision definitely didn't start to spin, and... okay fine perhaps it did a little bit.

There were black dots in front of my eyed and voices whispered in my head:
Ye should've let me be.
You are meddling with the wrong things.
Now ye shall pay the price.

I couldn't even cry out: my throat felt exhausted, dry and tight.

Then my vision went BLACK...

No one was watching as Jessica hit the ground...

Death Report

Jessica Bouvreworth (aged 19) has been reported dead in Berk Military Camp (BMC).

The body was descovered by Astrid Hofferson and was discovered curled into a ball with her right hand appearing to clutch something that is no longer there.

Jessica was a tier 17.3 green representative, and mained on the power of speed.

No wounds or marks were found on the body, and therefore cause of death is most likely heart attack or unknown causes.

There was no report of anything wrong the day before, except for some of her friends recall a purple stone, but the memory seems 'blurry'.

(End Death Report)

The figure slowly walked towards the body of the girl and sighed. It bent down and picked up the pulsing object the body was clutching, but the hand that had held it didn't change: it stayed the same as if it hadn't realised the artifact was gone.

The figure walked away, a black scythe in the left hand, and the mysterious object in right.

Then there was silence in the dark, lonely halls of the BMC, except for the metallic click every time the figure's steel left leg touched the ground...

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