Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here?"
There was an angry voice from behind me, and, as I glanced round, I was able to match voice to ugly face.
"Oh hey Chris - you ok?" I greeted him cheerfully, though he didn't return the smile.

"GET IN! GO TO THE HEAD'S OFFICE AND EXPLAIN TO MRS. COWEN WHY YOU ARE LATE!" At this I sighed, and followed Mr. Heyllel into school.
Mr. Hayllel was one of the mathematics teachers, and usually came round through the gunnell into school.
He didn't like me.

Of course he was going to see me.


"Excuse me Mr. Haddock, but this is important. It would really help if you were paying attention and stopped staring at Miss Hofferson." Mrs. Cowen repeated for the umpteenth time.
"Aye son. Important." Stoick echoed.

I woke up from my daydreaming that was more nightmarish than dreaming. We'd been talking about my apparent 'lack of concern for education' and my headteacher wasn't very happy.
Stoick wanted me to be expelled, just to finally teach me a lesson.

But my sorry excuse for a father has always wanted that. It was my mother who got him to let me go to school in the first place.
Suddenly Mrs. Cowen looked round and called to Astrid, and she walked over.

"I have asked Miss Hofferson to give you the final judgement," she stated.
"Why not just do it yourself?" I muttered under my breath, "Seems pointless."
Astrid was holding a sheet that looked rather like one of those legal forms you get when you have a bill or something. A large bill from the government.

"So uh... the final judgement..." she said, looking at the paper.

...That you are expelled."

One hour later...

So that was that.
There was no way Stoick would let me go to another school. The only reason why I wanted to be at a school was because bullying and scaring was fun.
It gave me a sense of dominance, and felt good after the hell Stoick gives me.

I didn't already need to be at school anyway - I could do 138462946+5274628 in my head in about two seconds, as the answer is 144137574.
I have explained Einstein's thought process when he conducted every one of his significant experiments and I once independently hacked into NASA because I wanted the blueprints for the ISS on my wall as a poster.

I knew exactly what I would do now.
Four weeks ago there had been a shooting, a single assassin sniped twenty people using an incendiary bullet, killing them all.
I just thought then - what if the people who'd died in that room were Stoick, that pig Hofferson and all the others who went to that cursed school.
That might be more than twenty, so I'd just use explosives if i wanted to do it.


I wanted to be a contract killer.

And so i converted into a life of crime, of guns and alcohol, drugs and murder.
My father had a shotgun, which was the first thing I picked up when I got home. I also took a bottle of alcohol, not paying attention to what kind it was. Beer.

Then I returned to the school.

Police File Report

Time of incident: 12:08pm
Date: 13 October 2013
Classification: Mass murder

Description: 15 year old school boy walked into school during lunch and shot dead 78 individuals with a hunting shotgun.
Headteacher was shot dead as she attempted to dial 999, and Mathematics teacher, Christopher Hayllel succeeded in contacting help but was also killed, with three shotgun pellets in the back of his head.
Female schoolgirl Astrid Hofferson was quoted as a target, but fortunately survived except for minor physical head injuries.
Multiple quotes from witnesses:

'He just came in through the fire exit door and killed the teachers on duty.'
'It was that dumb kid, the one who was always causing trouble according to my big sister.'
'He came straight for me, but someone had tried to hit him with their school bag.'
'There was one point where we could have overpowered him, as he looked like he'd run out of ammo, but he was faster than we thought.'
'I almost died man.'

The attacker was also seen to have an alcohol bottle in one hand, which was thrown at the headmistress, killing her with the broken shards in her eyes.
The police have been unable to track down the terrorist.

-----End of report-----

Do you know how good it felt? Murder feels great, and seeing so much terror and pain is the best thing I could have experienced.

May the survivors die in the flames of Earth.

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