Chapter 15

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Astrid's POV

By now Hiccup was a regular student in the BMC, though he is allowed to do what he chooses.
Sometimes he attends the classes, but as he's not a proper student and is in need of help, it is the perfect thing.

Sort of.

The relationship between me and Hiccup is known by a decent amount of people in Berk Military Camp, but, with there being over three thousand humans who do something here, about fifty isn't that much.

It has been a month since Jessica's death, and World's End room has been dealt with.

Basically what happened was that one day me and Heather came in to see if anything had changed, and from what we could see, there was no room there anymore.
As if it had just been sliced off the building.

When I asked Hiccup about it, he ignored me, so I'd guess he used his ability.
Speaking of abilities, he finally confirmed to me his actual tier, but asked me to keep it secret:

14:34pm Saturday (BMC)

I was trying to find Hiccup, as the previous class had just ended and there was much time to kill.
I opened the door to one of the random rooms by accident: my jacket caught on the handle, and as I tugged it off, it pulled it down.

A twenty-one year old - wearing his normal casual clothing: (not the leather stuff that he's often seen with), a spotless black jacket; darkened blue jeans and a very thin, pitch-coloured shirt - sat hunched over a sheet of paper at the back of the room.

Thoughts going through my mind of why he'd be here, I slipped into the room and cautiously made my way over to him.
Noticing me, he hurriedly pushed the paper into the pocket of his jacket.
"Hi Astrid. What are you doing here?"

I replied solemnly,
"Hiccup. Can I ask you a question?"
He raised one eyebrow at this, and slowly nodded.
This question had been asked so many times. Me and Heather had tried to force it out of him, it used to be the only thing spoken about, and it was the question he'd never answered:

"What ability tier are you?" I finally managed to ask.
He stopped and looked at me, his face judging, deciding whether he should let this information out.
"You won't tell anyone?" He whispered.

I nodded.

Whenever Hiccup turns to dust, which is the way he escapes, travels and dodges, there's a way of telling.
Like here, where he began to become blurry. At first I thought he wouldn't tell me, but at the last second before he completely disappeared, he spoke two things:

Two words.
And a three digit number.
Of course there's only one tier that is three digits.

Hiccup Haddock was a Superior Tier, (or actually a Max Tier).
This would mean he was the last living tier 100 black representative.
And the last living tier 100.
And the last living black representative.

(Back To Present)

So now that you're all caught up, let's move on.

I had sat down for lunch, a plate of roast chicken and vegetables in front of me. Heather was sat in front of me, and we began talking about pointless things, like why cheese is yellow and not white like milk.
(Very random.)

Heather muttered to me,
"Look what's happening back there," and tilted her head to the back right.
I saw Snotlout annoying Hiccup on the back table; people were moving away, scared of the temper that the older one could get into.
(Most of the students, like Astrid Heather and Snotlout, are nineteen. Hiccup is 21, Mala is 38 and Throk is 46.)

What happened next was to be expected.

Me and Heather ignored what was happening, thinking that whatever happened would be Snotface's fault.
The latter part was true.

There was a thud of a leather clad fist on the oaken dining table, and everyone looked round to see Hiccup wearing his signature leather overcoat/cloak.
This didn't mean he was cold.

"Will you shut up?" Hiccup didn't even need to activate his ability, he had told me it was always active, but hidden.
Now his eyes rolled back, revealing the black colour.

Snotlout, trying to not be scared, activated his tier 19 brown ability. He then punched Hiccup on the nose, and there was a horribly audible crack as his fist connected.
Hiccup was knocked back out of his chair, but was immediately standing up, and he threw three dark power orbs at his enemy.

One of these hit him, and Snotface was significantly weakened.
Another punch from Snotlout now did nothing to Hiccup, though there was a physical connection.
So Hiccup returned the punch to Snotlout, sending him through the back wall.
Smoking black lightning was sent in after, followed by some sort of gas.

Of course by now Snotlout was unconscious, so, Hiccup strode over to him, and kicked him, just for good measure.
Then, with an embarrassing broken nose, one Hiccup Haddock left the hall in his dust form.

I just hope he didn't kill Snotface.

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