Chapter 1: the backstory knowone asked for

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I was destined to die. Since the very begining the Ryder's or my mom, grandma and so on have been reaped by the capital to compete in the hunger games. As to be expected, they died. That's why I'm an orphan. That was, before I met haymitch. I grew up in the seam. I sort of got raised by some of the people in the hob untill I started going to school. I started raising myself after that. I met one of my closest friends gale, my first day and gradually became part of their family but in a friend kind of way. Growing up in the hob and all gave me a sixth sense for survival I shouldn't have had to develop at that age but it comes with it's perks. gale and Katniss and i hunted for game in the woods as much as we could since the mining accident happened that killed there father's.


Gale and I are approaching our last year of reaping which means the year I get reaped.

"You exited for me to get killed?" I asked gale as I finished setting up a snare. It was the day before the 74th reaping of the hunger games and I was anxious deep down. Really anxious.

"Hey, you haven't even been reaped yet and I don't want to have to picture you dying before the games even start." Gale said as he checked the snare I had just finished.

"Wow not even gonna tell me I won't get reaped. And here I was thinking you hadn't given up on me yet." I retorted.

"I haven't and I won't ever even if you get reaped. I've seen you hunt it can't be to different. You did a good job on the snare by the way. Your getting good." Gale said as he patted my back then walked to a little clearing in the woods that overlooked the valley.

We sat in the grass and I pulled out some mint leaf and started to chew on it. I always chewed mint leaf. It helped me think of something other than killing or being killed. I started to pick at the grass beneath me as I looked out at the rising sun. Gale grabbed my hand so I would stop picking the grass. I smiled at the gesture. I had always liked gale. It varies from romantic and friendly but he is the person I care about the most out of everyone. Deep down I think I love him but I don't want to break his heart if I die in the games.

"If you get reaped what's you plan in the games." Gale abruptly asked me. He still held my hand loosely.

"I want a whip. There good for injuring if not choking my opponents to death or food. There good for climbing to. Can't reach me if I'm in a tree and I can still get a shot at them. Not to mention being able to deflect weapons." I said in my natural voice. I usually spoke bluntly it was like my shield from the world but I never spoke like that in the woods. Gale was one of the only ones who has ever heard what I actually sound like. I have less to keep to myself when I talk in my quiet soft spoken voice.

"You don't even know how to use one." Gale remarked smiling as he looked down at me.

"I have a few days to learn. the problem is how I present myself. There's a chance I won't find a whip in the cornucopia so I'll need to get one from sponsors or make one." I said.

"My name's in the reaping 42 times. I'm worried that I might get picked or Rory or even prim." Gale said squeezing my hand.

"If prim gets picked I told Katniss I would volunteer for her." I said squeezing his hand back. I scooted closer to him. "This might be the last moment we get together."

"Why would you say that the reaping isn't till tomorrow?" Gale asked with a very concerned tone at the words I had just spoke.

"Gale if I face you tomorrow, before the reaping I won't be able to let go. I'm not one for fast changes and I don't want to lose you that fast." A tear escaped my eye as I rested my head against his shoulder. Gale wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

"If you get reaped I'm coming to say goodbye before you leave. I don't care if you can't let go because I can't either." Gale's words dug deep into my heart.

"I'll never forget that." I whispered. "When I play the games I'm gonna win for you. For your feelings I'm going to survive so I don't break your heart." I whispered again but I know gale heard every word.

"Let's go back you should spend as much time with us as you can before you go." Gale helped me up and we left the woods back to district 12.

Why I was so bent on getting picked was the last thing I could think of right now. No One knows how fast the gears in my head have been turning the last few months but I had a pretty solid plan laid out in my head second only to the career's.

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