Chapter 5: the interviews

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It was the next morning and I was awoken by Effie, again, drawing open my curtains. I threw off the sheets and hopped out of bed smiling.

"Well this is a surprise." Effie remarked as she came over to me. "What's got you so happy this morning?"

"I don't know I just feel like cooperating today." I said and walked out of my room shortly fallowed by Effie. I had a few hours before I had to start practicing for interviews so I didn't bother changing before breakfast.

Effie and I were met with gale haymitch cinna and Portia at the breakfast table and we began eating.

After I was finished eating I took a shower and cinna and Portia dressed me in a dress so difficult to walk in that I fell on the ground. Then they did some light makeup and fixed my hair. I told them not to bother because they would just end up changing later tonight but Portia insisted.

Effie taught me how to walk in the dress first thing and once I could she put a pair of crazy Heels on my feet. I fell again. It took nearly the entire 4 hours just for me to learn to walk properly.

After the four hours were over Haymitch took me away so he could coach me for the last few hours before I needed to go to interviews.

"You need to pick how your going to present yourself. you've already got an attitude but you need to make the capital like you if your gonna get sponsors." He said as we sat on the couches.

"Gee thanks well I'm probably just going to act fierce. All the other tributes have already seen it and I act like that anyway." I replied.

"You don't act like that around your boyfriend."

"Gale and I aren't together." I said and haymitch raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What information your trying to get out of me?"

"I'm just trying to help you. forget it. Let's start practicing for your interview."

Haymitch fired Question after question at me and I was able to answer them perfectly by the time I had to go.

"I underestimated your ability. I think your ready but I'd like to talk to you just between us. We are done practicing." Haymitch requested. It sounded like he was sobering up and that he actually wanted to talk to me so I accepted.

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about your father. Tell me everything you know about him."

"I grew up in the seam after my mom got reaped at 18. everyone said my dad abandoned me because I reminded him of my mother. I was always told my father was a drunk so I assumed he lived on the better side of town. I think he is still alive but I wouldn't know because he never reached out. When I asked people what he looked like they said he had long, sandy, unkempt hair."

"Thank you. For telling me." He said and I got up and left. The more time I spent with haymitch the more I began to see him in a new light. I don't hate him as much as I thought I did and I might actually be starting to like him. It was odd that he wanted to know about my father because knowone ever really knew who he was nor did anyone care.

"You look like your conversation with haymitch went well." It was gale. He was standing in my door way as I struggled to unzip the incredibly tight dress I was still wearing.

"Yea it was alright how did it go with Effie?" I said still struggling on the zipper I could barely reach. Gale came over to help but was struggling just as much with the zipper as I was.

"She made me walk back and fourth with a book on my head." He said as he finally unstuck the zipper. "I got it." He unzipped it just enough so I could reach it than left the room closing the door so I could change.

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