Chapter 4: training

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I woke up the next morning and dressed into the training outfit that was left out for me. It was a tight short sleeve shirt with stripes along the sides and a matching pair of leggings. I put my messy hair in a ponytail leaving a few strands out in the front and slipped on the chunky combat boots that were sitting beside the clothes that I was now wearing.

I exited the room stomping around over to the breakfast table where I grabbed a handful of blueberries and shoved them in my mouth.

"Excuse me?" Effie said in disbelief.

"My bad." I said whipping my hand on my pants and grabbing a few rolls. My mouth was still full when I spoke and I could tell she was appalled by my barbaric behavior. Haymitch laughed at my actions and raised his flask up at me. I slapped it out of his hand and it smashed into a wall.

Haymitch stood up, came over to me and slapped me hard across the face and I fell onto my knees. I got up and picked up a silver plate so shiny it looked like a mirror and saw a red handprint on my cheek.

"Good. Now when I go down to training it will look like gale slapped me." I said it sarcastically but I meant every word. It wasn't my intention to get slapped but it worked out in the end. It was all part of the plan.

A few minutes later gale and I entered the room were we would be training for the next few days and everyone watched us to see what we would do because we were the last ones to arrive.

I went to a stand covered in weapons and grabbed a whip. I went into a room full of dummy's and started to whip them all. I quickly learned how to throw the whip In a way that it would wrap around a limb so I could yank the dummy to the ground. I spent the next few unbothered hours practicing with a whip and had become lethal with it.

I walked out to all the other tributes looking at me. Probably wanting to ally with me. "I need something that bleeds." I said and gale stepped forward challenging me to a fight. He had a long spear in his hands.

"I volunteer." He said in deeper voice than I knew he had.

I cracked my whip on the ground signaling the fights begining. Technically we were permitted to fight each other for training purposes because we were from the same district.

I aimed my whip at gale's spear and it wrapped around one end and gale pulled forward causing me to get dragged forward and I instinctively did a cart wheel without any hands. This caused my whip to release the spear and once I landed I whipped at his ankle. He started running at me so I pulled the whip and he fell backwards. He threw his spear at my head and I ducked my head and the spear stuck into a wall. I released the whip from his ankle and walked over to him holding out my hand to help him up.

"Can't wait to kill you when we get into the games. Your death will be fun." I said with a manic smile on my face.

"Couldn't agree more." He replied getting on his feet without taking my hand.

I was swarmed by the career's asking to be allies. There always this gullible in the begining. I told them I would think about it. I made a point to be especially nice to Cato because If I didn't make an impression on him first thing I'd probably be killed by him.

The next two days of training i kept practicing my whip skills but I also asked some of the career's to teach me some things they knew. Cato and clove saw right through me but no one else did so I learned a lot about my fellow tributes.

Every night after we ate I would tell gale everything I learned about the tributes. There skills, weaknesses and even what they thought of him as most of them brought him up while they were teaching me.

"You realize there only teaching you because they think you are Allied with them right." Gale interrupted me.

"Yea, I'm just gonna tell them I'm gonna go kill you once the games start and I get my weapons." I replied.

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