Chapter 13: the feast

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After Seneca announced the feast I began to feel light headed. Everything was spinning and slowly going black. I tried to put my knees up hoping that would help but I was struggling to even think. I touched the back of my head and felt a wet bandage. I reached out for gale and them my eyes rolled back. Gale caught me and rested my head on his lap. He really needed more bandages and medicine right now. That was probably what was in the bag at the feast.  He heard a clunk and went out to get the parachute. He brought it back in and opened it. It had a warm white cloth. Gale rested it under my head. It also had a note from haymitch.

Go to the feast she will die without it.

Gale made the trek to the cornucopia where he saw the table with bags labeled for each district left on the table. He noticed a few other tributes already there. Foxface ran in and grabbed her bag and ran away. Gale charged forward and got the bag. Just as he was about to run back he was pounced on by clove who pinned him to the ground. They fought, clove managing to leave a nasty gash on gales forehead much like the one I got on the first day in the arena. Just as gale was about to give out thresh wrenched clove off of him and threw her to the ground. He took a rock and beat her in the head until a Canon went off.

"Go. Were even now. I won't kill you this time." He said. Gale got up and ran back to the cave not bothering to take a break.

As he approached the cave he moved the Boulder and I was still passed out. He looked at the towel I was laying on and part of it was soaked in blood. He didn't know how to wake me up so he just started unwrapping the bandage around my head. I woke up due to the searing pain I was in and screamed in agony.

"Hey hey shhhh I went to the feast and got you the medicine I just need to put it on your head." He said. I latched onto his leg trying to avoid passing out again as his finger brushed over the wound on my head.

"Okay we're all done now just lay on the towel and rest." He said as he pressed the towel against the back of my head. I used his leg as a pillow.

"Gale put some of the medicine on your leg where I stitched it up and remove the stitches." I said before I drifted off. The medicine must have a numbing effect because I could no longer feel the pain when I woke up a few hours later.

"Hey how are you feeling." He asked as I sat up. "Oh my gosh your head!"

"What's wrong?" I asked urgently.

"The wound is compleatly gone." He said running his thumb over the spot.

"What about your leg?" I asked. He checked and it too was gone. My hair was so matted and caked in blood that I grabbed it all in my hand and with the other I slashed through it with a knife. I made a second pass to get the last bit of hair. It was uneven and choppy but it would have to do. It hung just past my jaw now. I could no longer wear it in a ponytail so I tucked it behind my ears. My hair was naturally pencil straight and adding to the fact that I hadn't cleaned it in nearly three weeks. It felt thicker than usual but I think it's just because it needed to be washed.

We left the cave over to the river to wash up. I took the opportunity to clean my newly cut hair. Gale was washing his hair too when we heard a Cannon go off.

"Who do you think died?" He asked.

"Probably thresh or Cato I hope. Foxface is to smart to get herself killed so soon after the feast." I replied.

I rung my hair out and shook my head back and forth like a dog to remove any remaining water. Gale copied and I burst out laughing. My ribs ached as I laughed because of the lack of food we had consumed in the last few days. I massaged my ribs and as I did I felt how lose the shirt had become. It use to be tight around my already thin body but now it was painfully lose. Gale noticed what I was doing and came over to me.

"Let's find some food." He offered and I agreed. I took my jacket off and laid it on the ground where we collected some berries.

Foxface ran at the pile of berries we had collected and took a handful. We didn't see what she did after that but a moment later she dropped dead and a canon went off.

"Gale did you just see that?" I asked in astonishment.

"Thank goodness we didn't eat them yet." He said as he dumped them off the jacket.

"Wait. Let's save them just in case we can fool Cato." I suggested.

"Good call." He replied.

We decided we would try and finish things tonight so we grabbed our weapons and left everything else in the cave. We went by a lake near the cornucopia. We sat there for a few hours listening to the birds and rustling in the trees.

As the sun began to set the birds stopped singing and there was rustling in the trees in one direction but there was never any wind in the arena.

Gale and I stood up and armed ourselves. Cato ran out of the woods and we soon followed as there were a pack of huge mutts behind him. As we got closer to Cato I whipped them back to give the three of us a chance to reach the cornucopia.

The three of us leaped on top of the cornucopia. I managed to land as I always do. But both gale and Cato had there ankles grabbed by mutts as the stumbled to get on top. I whipped the mutts attacking gale and they released his shoe. I was hesitant to help Cato but my feelings got the better of me and I whipped him free. I saw a flicker of trust in his eyes as I helped him but it was quickly replaced with fury as he attacked gale. I whipped him to try and get him off gale repeatedly but it wasn't affecting him at all.

What I was doing clearly wasn't working so I took the other end of my whip and looped it under his neck. I pulled up and held his neck back so he couldn't breathe.

It worked and he got off gale but then he came after me. He jumped on me and put me in a headlock.

"Hey I won't kill you just let her go." Gale tried to compromise. Cato just tightened his grip around my neck. I wasn't going to be conscious for much longer as Cato was squeezing my airways so I had to think fast.

My free hand found a knife in Cato's belt and I pulled it out. I stabbed him in the side but he only grunted and held on tighter. I must have found a weak point in his armor but it wasn't going to do me any good to go for his side anymore as I had to gasp for air now.

As my brain began to cloud and things began to go black I drew an x over his hand that was across my waist holding me there. Gale got the memo and shot an arrow at his hand. Cato impulsively released me and I shoved him off of me and over the edge of the cornucopia. He landed on a pile of mutts and began fighting them. I collapsed to my knees to catch my breath. I must have lost my whip because I no longer had it on my waist.

Cato was fighting off the mutts for now and we watched as the sun set over us. I knew he didn't have a fighting chance against all the mutts but I did notice something about the creatures attacking the boy.

"Rue! That one's rue! And glimmer and clove and that's the one I killed in the blood bath! Their... Their the dead tributes!" I screamed. Gale came and held me close so I didn't have to watch all the people I killed attack Cato.

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