Chapter 12: flashbacks

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Today was the day gale lost his dad just a few years prior. We were walking home from school and he seemed down. He had seemed down all day. All the girls huddled around him in the halls seemed to get on his nerves more than it usually did. As we reached the exit of the school I was pulled back and my place besides gale was taken by a girl much more pretty than I. She was from the better side of town with her done up blonde hair. She began trying to get closer to gale and that's where I drew the line. I pushed forward reprising my spot besides gale. The girl started tugging at my hair to get my attention. I tried to ignore it but it began to get painful untill she ripped some of my hair out of my head. Gale was in his own little world until he heard me whimper. I pressed my hand to the spot she tugged my hair out of and my hand returned covered in blood. Gale escorted me out and pulled me to the side of the school where he took his jacket and began trying to stop the bleeding.

"Hey what are you always doing around him?" Asked the girl who ripped my hair. She was holding a bloodied chunk of my hair that had some skin attached to it. Once I saw it I began to get lightheaded. I wasn't as used to blood as I am now. I found gales arm and tapped it to get his attention. The girl thrust the patch of my head into my hand roughly and I looked at it again. My knees began to buckle and gale caught me. Katniss came out of the school a moment later and spotted us. Gale picked me up and katniss held the jacket to my head and they rushed me to Katniss' house. They laid me on a couch and Mrs. Everdeen helped me with my head.

Why was I remembering this in the middle of the hunger games. I sat up and searing pain shot through my head. I began to feel light headed just like in my dream. I laid back down and tapped gale awake.

"Gale my head hurts." I said breathlessly as he sat up. He lifted my head gently and saw a small pool of blood underneath. He lifted my head further and saw where the blood was coming from.

"Did you smack your head on the rock you were laying on?" He suggested.

"I don't know. I was dreaming about the time that girl took a chunk of my hair out at school."

"Your bleeding. Can you sit up long enough for me to put a bandage around your head?" He asked.

I shook my head and winced. Gale propped my head on his leg and began to wrap it in the last of our cloth from the first aid kit. I fell asleep as he did so but was awoken minutes later when he shifted so he was in a laying position. I snuggled into him with my head on his chest. He made Shure I wasn't in pain.

My only way to stay sane was to relive old memories. I began to think about gale and my time in the woods hunting alone. Sometimes Katniss would stay home or go to the hob instead of join us. I suspected it was because she knew gale and I had feelings for each other and was tired of watching is beat around the bush.

We were racing in the woods like we always did. This specific memory I have is from when we were 15. We were running side by side like we always do. I'm much faster than gale but his legs are longer so he can cover the same amount of ground as I could at a slower pace. Gale grabbed the hood of my jacket to try and pull me back but I let it fall of my shoulders and was no longer wearing it. Gale continued to chase me with my jacket in his hand. I noticed gale gaining speed and there was a low branch in front of me. I swung up on the branch and launched myself up to another. I landed in a squirrel pose on the branch then started climbing the tree. Gale fallowed me as I continued to scale the evergreen.

"Y/n come down please?" Gale asked. I stopped and looked down. Gale looked I bit upset so I climbed down quickly and perched on a branch slightly higher than his.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your too fast." He said. I giggled and climbed down the rest of the way. Gale followed and we walked back. "You scared all the game away."

"It was your idea." I replied as I folded my arms.

"Why are you so cute?" Gale complained under his breath. I pretended not to hear but a blush was evident on my face.

We crawled under the fence and back to the seam. As we walked our hands brushed past each other. I thought about grabbing his hand and holding it but I had only just realized a few days prior my feelings for him and I didn't want to Reveal how I felt so soon in case he didn't return them.

"Are you staying at my place tonight or Katnip's?" He asked as we made the turn to his and Katniss' houses.

"Wherever you want." I replied smiling.

"My house then. Posy misses you." He said. I know he only said that to cover up the fact that it was in fact him who wanted me to stay over and the thought left me beaming.

"Why so happy?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"You only said posy misses me to cover up the fact that your actually the one who wants me to stay over." I said smugly. I didn't receive a response. "You okay?"

"Yea let's just go." He said.

"Sorry." I said. I made him upset maby I shouldn't have said that. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"No you didn't upset me. I just... It's true. I do like it when you stay over." A smile crept on his face as he said it. We were both blushing now. I decided to take his hand in mine and swung it back and forth as I giggled again.

"I can read you like a book gale. If your trying to hide your feelings its hopeless." I said. I meant in the moment but it's clear now that he was thinking about his romantic feelings for me. He let go of my hand as we entered his house to the sound of gales mother in the kitchen. We went to the kitchen to take over for gales mother.

"Hey mom we got it from here you can go rest for a bit." He said as he ushered his mother out of the kitchen. We put aprons on took over cooking soup. I began chopping onions while gale cut up some squirrel.

Naturally my eyes began to water as I finished chopping the onions. I scooped them up and put them in the pot and began to cook the roots we found earlier that day. I was making the broth when gale squeezed past me in the small kitchen. He rested his hand on my waist as he got past me. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back then realized what he was doing.

As gale left the kitchen I noticed his mom smirking from the other room. I blushed hard and continued stirring the soup.

After we ate that night gale and I went up to his room to finish up a school project we were Partnered for. Once we were done I rolled out the sheets I normally kept under gales bed, into my bed. I had slept over so much that he started leaving blankets and a spare pillow under his bed Incase I decided to sleep the night.

Posy came in moment later and jumped on gales bed where he was sitting. Gale pulled her into his lap and cuddled her before waving me over to join in the embrace. Posy climbed into my lap and held me tight not letting me go. Gale laid down and I joined him posy still in my arms. Gale and I quickly fell asleep after the busy day and posy fallowed. Gale had pulled me and posy closer to him and my head was laying on his shoulder.

Gales mother opened the door looking for posy when she saw us sleeping. She took a picture with an anchent camera she had and came in the room to take posy. Once she had posy in her arms I began to feel cold and cuddled into gales side compleatly unaware of what I was doing. Gale also cuddled into me and eventually we were laying together in the spoon position. This was the first time we had cuddled before and we didn't even remember it until gales mother recounted it to Mrs everdeen when they came to visit.

I woke up again and looked at gale. We were in the same position as in my dream. Gale had his arm spread out and I was using it as a pillow. I began shifting when his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer. I decided to turn around and I kissed him. His eyes fluttered open after that.

"What?" He asked smiling because I kissed him awake. I just kissed him again than cuddled back into his chest. He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me once again.

"Your so cute it's irresistible." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

"I know, love. I know." I replied in a seductive tone to mess with him. I was quiet after that and we drifted back to sleep when we heard Seneca cranes voice over the arena.

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