Chapter 3: the tribute parade

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The next morning we arrived at the capital and went to our tribute apartments. I was done being a baby about the games. It was time for me to finish my plan. I was relentlessly writing in my little paper book where I had been studying the games every year since I was old enough to be reaped.

I was eating some strawberry slices with my fingers is I scribbled in my book paying no attention to the others sitting at the breakfast table. Much to Effie's dismay.

"What's in the book?" Haymitch asked me with a slur in his voice.

"What's in the flask?" I asked back not looking up as I popped another strawberry slice in my mouth.

"Touche." He replied nodding his head. Gale chuckled. His laugh made me finally look up at everyone.

Gale and I looked at each other. He gave me a look that said can I read it? So I slowly handed it to him. He took a few minutes to skim through the pages than looked back at me again.

"Your a genius but is this even legal." He asked. Effie and haymitch we're still very confused but we didn't care.

"You should take it, study it for the next few days. I already memorized it all. the plan I mean. I assume we will be allies in the arena. I hope." I said in my real voice.

"Yea of course I was gonna ask you if you wanted to be allies." Gale replied as he gently hugged me and put the book in his pocket.

"The tribute parade is this evening so we better start preparing you for that. Your prep teams should be here any minute." Effie said and I stood up dragging gale along with me.

"Gale I need to talk to you about the real plan, the one that's not in the book. As soon as everyone starts running at the cornucopia you need to run away I'll find you but you need to start looking for food. I'll get weapons. And before you say you should get the weapons because your stronger. It's got nothing to do with strength and skill and everything to do with speed and size." I said quickly.

"Okay." He replied. "I don't want you to die out there in the blood bath."

"I won't I'm gonna grab a whip if there is one then one of the bags they usually have survival stuff that we will need. Im not going to grab much so they think we aren't allied then they won't go after you." I said.

"What good is only grabbing a little stuff gonna do for the both of us? Why is it important that we make it seem like we aren't allies?" He asked.

"Gale I've been studying these games for years if I make it seem like I'm super tough and you make it look like you wouldn't hurt a fly, that you were weak. Than the career's will think I'm going to kill you which is why we need to pretend we want to kill each other while we're around other tributes. If I get to you before the blood bath is over all the cannons will make it seem like I killed you." I answered.

Gale would never admit it but he liked it when you started your sentences with his name. "So what your saying is you can keep us alive for the first night?"

"That's all I can anticipate." I answered.

"That's a solid plan. if you two can act I don't see much going wrong." Haymitch interrupted. He must have snuck over to my room and listened to our conversation.

"He doesn't see much, period." I said under my breath so only gale could hear. He smiled at my attempt to lighten the mood.

"You guys need to get ready for the parade, now." Haymitch said and we stood up and left imedeately being separated as we went to our prep team.

I was wisked off into a room where they made me undress so they could assess what they were working with. They started by waxing my entire body than moved on to apply an assortment of oils and lotions. After they were done I put on a little robe and was escorted to my stylist.

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