Chapter 6: the bloodbath

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I was awoken the next morning and quickly ushered out. Everything was a blur after that as the tears finally decided to start falling. I entered a room with cinna and put on my new outfit. Cinna realized what was going on and he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my tears away.  He hugged me and made Shure I was ready.

"You need to go now." Cinna said a few minutes later. I noded and stepped in the tube that would carry me into the arena.

"I'm ready." I said but before the door closed cinna put a chain around my neck it was made of a thick metal coated in gold paint.

"Your going to need this when the time comes." He pointed at the necklace and I nodded. I didn't know what he meant by that but I believed him.

The door closed automatically and I started to go up. I waved at cinna and he blew a kiss in return. I couldn't see him anymore after that and a hatch opened above me.

The clock began counting down once all of us were up. I spent that time searching for gale so I knew what direction to go once I got my weapons. Glimmer was next to me and when I noticed she was looking at me I nodded. I thought doing so would give her the hint that we had an alliance. She nodded back and I looked back at the cornucopia. We had 5 seconds remaining. I whispered the last few numbers to myself.






I sprinted towards the cornucopia and made it there in record time. glimmer was on my tail. I grabbed my whip and a bag then a long knife. I passed the knife over to glimmer then bolted off in the direction I saw gale.

"Where are you going?" I heard glimmer shout.

"To kill that idiot from my district!" I replied. I was approaching the woods when a kid from district 7 threw a knife at me. It got stuck in my bag that I was carrying in my non dominant hand along with my whip. I took the knife out and threw it back at the kid. I was never one for knife throwing so I was surprised when I managed to stick it in his neck. The kid fell and I went over to get the knife back. As I pulled the knife out of his neck he made a long swipe with another knife. The swipe made a shallow cut on my forearm. He managed to continue the swing all the way up to my cheek leaving a deeper gash and a small scratch on my forehead. I took the other knife and stabbed him in the neck again. This time my already bloody face was sprayed with blood. I realized what I had done when I heard a canon go off seconds later.

A few minutes later I was sprinting through the woods. I was still covered in the blood of the boy I had killed. the bloodbath had not ended yet so I felt comfortable shouting gale's name. Tears once again started pouring down my face smudging the drying blood. I was in the most pain I had ever been in physically and mentally and I felt like I was gonna collapse when I heard my name.

"Y/n is that you?" Gale shouted.

"Yes! Help! Help! I need help!" I shouted in a very cracked voice.

"Oh my gosh what did you do out there?" Gale saw I was struggling to see so he picked me up and took me somewhere.

What felt like thirty minutes later I found out that we were at a little spring in the forest. I must have blacked out because when I looked at my reflection in the water it was clean and I had some bandages on my cuts. I checked my arm to see the sleeve of my jacket had an at least 16 inch gaping whole in it and my arm beneath the layer of material was bandaged. I could see red splotches of blood on the white cloth.

"There was a first aid kit in the bag. It also had a sleeping bag, water bottle, some iodine, and these sunglasses that don't work." I turned to gale as he spoke. "How are you feeling?"

I didn't answer his question. Instead I crawled over to him and sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

"Was there any food?" I asked.

"A bit. I found some too while you were asleep I already cooked it and wrapped it up. Just a few squirrels and rabbits."

"How long was I out?"

"I'd say about six hours. It had only been like ten minutes into the games when you killed that boy. Anyone who was gonna come after you changed there mind when they saw what you did to him." Gale said. He sounded like he was congratulating me but I felt a deep sense of loss even though I didn't even know the kid.

"We should get away from here. Find I tree to spend the night in." I finally suggested.

We got up and packed up the little supplies we had gathered and we walked untill it was almost dark.

"Hey y/n let's climb this tree and sleep there." I looked up and saw that it was perfectly shaded from the moonlight and had large branches that we could use to sleep on.

"I should take watch since I already slept." I suggested as we used my whip to climb the tall trunk of the tree.

"No. You did a lot today i think you need to take some more sleep. I haven't done anything today and I'm not tired."

"Gale -" I began but he cut me off.

"You need to rest your arm it's bleeding again."

I obayed and set up the sleeping bag on a branch then crawled inside I wrapped my belt around the branch and I so if I moved I wouldn't fall. I quickly drifted into sleep when I started dreaming.

I dreamt of killing that boy again during the bloodbath. I threw the knife and it stuck into the person's neck but this time it wasn't the boy from district 7. It was gale.

"GALE!" I screamed and a hand came over my mouth. I realized what was going on soon after. Apparently the anthem was playing and the faces of all the dead tributes we're showing. I saw the face of the boy I killed and I breather a sharp intake of air trying not to cry. Gale came over to me and kissed the top of my head and ushered me to quiet down as right now was a really bad time to be making noise.

Gale started stroking my head and I fell asleep again. It was short lived as I soon awoke to a crackling sound like a fire and a few laughs.

I saw as the career pack circled around the person at the fire and began to beat her with there weapons. A canon fired to long after they began. The careers were long gone by the time it fired meaning she probably blead to death. I looked up at gale and he pat my head like a dog telling me he was still there. I tried to sleep after that but after watching two deaths one being one i committed myself it was no use so I crawled out of the sleeping bag and up to gale. There wasn't much room where he was sitting so he pulled me onto his lap instead and we sat like that till the sun came up.

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