Chapter 11: careers in persuit

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It had been about a week and gales leg was healing up. We kept it wrapped up so it wouldn't get infected. He could walk and run again. It wasn't safe and I could here Katniss' mom scolding us through the screen that I was letting him run.

The three of us were just walking around about an hours walk from the cave. When we heard loud talking.

"No we can't kill her yet she's picking of the other tributes so we don't have too." That was Cato.

"But what about the boy? we can kill him with ease." Clove said.

"Clove if you go kill her man you won't make it out alive either. She has a whip and a spear not to mention the guy has a bow and arrows and like 3 knives and he's a good shot." Marvel spoke.

"Speak of the devil look over there." Cato said.

We began to run. I knew they weren't going to kill me. They might kill gale if they see he's injured but what about Rue. I hung back to make sure gale wouldn't get hit. The careers began to chase us and marvel caught up fast.

I turned to whip him but he dodged it swiftly. He caught up to me as I slowed down to fight him. Instead of slowing down he ran past me taking the spear off my back. He launched it at rue who had stopped to make sure I was ok.

"RUE!" I screamed her name and sprinted after marvel.

I passed rue and pulled the spear out of her and launched it into marvels chest with so much force that it stuck through him and into a tree.

I heard the canon and screamed at the top of my lungs. All the birds stopped. I screamed for  a few minutes untill I felt a hand on my shoulder. I imedeately stoped. Gale pulled me into a hug.

"Don't get the spear it's killed to many people I don't want to look at it." I said.

"Y/n rues still alive. Barely." He said and I imedeately crawled over to her and lifted her into my lap. I cradled her until her breaths became more short and hoarse. I began humming a sweet tune to drown out the sound of her last breaths and the Mockingjays joined. Gale joined soon after. I sung the last four notes and a canon fired.

I closed rues eyes and rested her back on the ground. Gale and I stood up and kissed three of our fingers than rose them into the air. My knees collapsed and I fell to the ground.

"I want to kill them all." I said under my breath. I really was out of sympathy this time. "I want to kill them all." I shouted it this time. I yanked the spear out of marvels dead body and put it on my back.

"I change mind. I'm gonna use this spear to kill every last person in this arena except you. And I won't sleep till I do." I said to gale. He didn't touch me. I would have impulsively snapped his neck if he did and he knew that.

We walked back to the cave and packed up. Gale decided he was going to let me hunt the careers but wasn't going to join me. He said he'll have food for me. if I need it I can return.

I decided to go for there camp first and destroy there food. I made it a day later. I would have made it faster if I wasn't exploring. I climbed a tree to get a better look at their camp.

I noticed a fox faced girl hopping around to the pile and grabbing some food then hopping away.

"There must be explosives." I whispered to myself. "I need gale."

I climbed down the tree and ran back as fast as I could to the cave. I made it back in the middle of the night and went in the cave.

"Gale wake up."

"Why are you back?" He asked groggily.

"I need your archery skills." I replied.

"I'm not gonna help you kill anyone if that's what your asking."

"If I was trying to kill someone I would have found another way by now. I need your help destroying the careers food pile. They rigged it with explosives and I don't have enough weapons to risk it." I said.

"Okay." He finally agreed.

We went out and when we finally arrived it was mid day. The careers were back at the camp. I saw Cato and clove and a few others that I don't think were careers but had joined the pack.

"I'm gonna go catch there attention then once there gone you blow it up." I said. We both new it was a risk to have them there. I climbed down from the tree with my spear and whip.

I began running and I cracked my whip to grab there attention. Seconds later the career pack was in persuit. I ran all the way to the hollow cornucopia and climbed on top.

The smaller kids who had joined the career pack started climbing and I whipped them down. A very small tribute that couldn't weigh over 70 pounds managed to catch one end of my whip and got on top of the cornucopia. He continued to hold onto it even though the whip was limp. I took this chance to wrap the whip around his neck and kick him off. I held the whip tight and I heard a snap. Then a canon went off. I pulled the dead tribute back up and unwrapped my whip from his neck then kicked him down again.

I heard a loud boom. It didn't sound like a tribute canon so I assumed gale had blown up the careers camp. Everyone stoped to watch and I took that chance to jump down from the cornucopia. I crept behind another one of the kids and speared them through the back. I covered their mouth so they wouldn't make a noise. I pulled the spear out and gently laid the kid on the ground and suck the spear in them again. A canon went off and I pulled the spear out and put it on my back then got out my whip. The last kid came running at me with a knife and I whipped it out of their hand.

"Forget it. It's not worth it. She's already picked two of us off." Cato shouted.

They ran to there demolished camp and I fallowed them. Instead of killing more of them I ran into the woods to find gale. I was really worried because the tree I thought he was in was partially blown up. It took everything inside of me not to scream his name when I heard leaves crunch behind me. I whipped around and pulled my spear out. I was about to launch it when I realized it was gale.

His ear was covered in blood. I ran up to him and grabbed his face to examine his ear. He grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands of his face and kissed me.

"I'm guessing those two canons were your doing." He said. I nodded in response while smiling at the small gesture of comfort he gave me. "Are you done with your murderous rampage?" He asked.

"Yea, I feel a lot better now." I replied. "How's your ear."

"I'm def in one ear now but I'll be okay." He said as he gave me a small smile.

We turned around and walked a little bit towards the careers to get a better look at the camp. Just as we came into view Cato came up to the remaining boy and wrapped his arm around his neck. The snap was loud even gale and I heard it. Then the canon came.

"Six people left." Gale said.

"Thresh, foxface, Cato, clove, you, and me." I said. Gale and I decided to go back to the cave after we saw Cato kill the boy. Once we arrived back at the cave we set up the sleeping bag and crawled inside. I made Shure to wrap gales head up before we went to bed.

It was cold again tonight and after the anthem played it started to storm. The rain beat on the roof of the cave and we could hear the thunder. Every once and a while we would get awoken by a bright flash of lightning. Everyone must have found shelter because we never heard a canon. Gales ear must have been bad because he never woke up to the thunder. He had his arm around my waist the whole night to keep me from freaking out in my sleep. The more days I spent in this arena the worse my nightmares got and I would get them even if gale was right beside me.

I had a particularly bad nightmare tonight and it woke gale up too. Apparently I was thrashing around and screaming when gale finally woke me up. I was breathing heavily and gale pulled me into his chest. He held me for the rest of the night. I was holding on to him for dear life.

The next day it was still pouring so we stayed inside. We had some water but had run out of food yesterday and had no way of getting more. We were starving and had no energy so we just stayed in the sleeping bag and slept the day away.

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