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Cordelia was there when Massimo's father was shot on the rooftop. She was on the beach walking on the shore while Massimo was on the rooftop with his father and other men.

Once in a while Massimo glanced at Cordelia. Her long black hair on a messy bun and dressed into a white summer dress made of lace. What Cordelia didn't see was Massimo looking on the other side of the beach with binoculars. There was a woman in a turquoise summer dress dancing on the shore, her dark shoulder length hair shining in the sunlight.

"My son. You need to be carefull. Beautiful women are heaven for our eyes and hell to our soul and purgatory to our wallet." Massimo's dad spoke, taking the binoculars from his son and looking at what he was watching. "Che ne dici di Cordelia?" He asked, turning to look on the other side of the beach.

"What about her?"

"Tu la ami. Destra?"

"It's complicated."

"Massimo. It's time to stop thinking about just fun and pleasure. You have to take your responsibility. Someday this all is yours."

A sound of a gunshot filled the beach. Everything stopped. Massimo's fathers blood splashed on Massimo's face. A burning feeling speared off Massimo's rib. His father has been shot and the bullet hit him after it went through his father.

"Protect Cordelia! Take her away from here!" Someone shouted and the men who had been guarding back on the beach so no one could come through the door leading on the rooftop ran to Cordelia and led her away from the building and inside a car. Not letting her know anything about what had just happened.

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