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(Cordelia's POV)

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I arched my back.

"Mmhh." I whimpered.

"Open your legs more." Massimo moved his hand on my thighs and pulled them more apart. "You're so wet for me. Are you going to take me like a good girl?"

"Yes." I whispered.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him.

Massimo positioned himself behind me and teased my entrance with the tip of his cock, lubing himself up with my wetness.

"You're dripping, amore." Massimo muttered under his breath. "Making a mess on the bed before I even did anything."

"Please Massimo." I begged him.

"Now you're begging me? Such a good girl." And with that he thrusted himself in me making my mouth fall open.

Massimo started to fuck me roughly. I couldn't do anything else but just scream and moan.

"That's it. Fucking take it." Massimo grunted while slamming into me from behind.

There were two things that I loved; rough sex and doggy style. And Massimo was giving me both. It was one of my favorite positions and somehow he knew that, although we have never talked about it.

He placed his hands on my hips, making it easier for him to slam into me.

Massimo kept his left hand on my hip and reached forward with his right hand so he could run it through my hair.

I moaned of the feeling of his fingers running through my hair but gasped when he suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled my head back from the mattress.

"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned. I was already so horny and wet for him before we even started so it didn't take long for me to feel the familiar feeling.

"Cum for me. Make a mess on my cock." Massimo slapped my ass making me groan loudly in pleasure...

My eyes snapped open.

I was breathing heavily. What just happened? Where's Ma-... Then I realized... It was all just a dream.

I just had a wet dream of Massimo. I groaned in annoyance. Annoyance because of two things, because I was angry at myself, how would I let him get to my mind like that and because I woke up before the dream finished... before I finished.

I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom. I took off my t-shirt and completely soaked underwear and turned on the shower.

I stepped in and started to wash my body and hair. The warm water washed away all the sweat and arousal making me feel like a human again. And not like a woman who thirsted over the man she hated with passion.

After I was done I wrapped my body in a towel and walked back to my room. The sun had just started to rise, making my room have a golden orange glow.

I guess we are starting this day early.


"Why are you so annoyed?" Laura asked when I walked to her room and laid on her bed.

"I had a wet dream last night." I explained.

"Isn't that usually a good thing?" Laura questioned.

"It was about Massimo. And he did all the things I love to me." I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"How about that hook up you had? Thomas was it?"

"We haven't talked in weeks. It was a one night stand for the both of us. Nothing more."

Laura nodded. "You still want Massimo?"

"Of course I do. But I asked him to choose and finally he did. And he chose you."

Laura groaned."Doesn't that asshole understand that I don't want him?"

"I think he does. He's not stupid. Extremely stubborn, yes but not stupid."

"Then why does he continue?"

"Because he's stubborn? I don't know." I sighed.

"Maybe you should call Thomas?" Laura suggested. "Have a little fun time with him. Take your mind off of Massimo."

I sighed. "I don't know. Our interrupted time that night was nice but it doesn't feel right to do it again. Plus it would be easy to just stop now since neither of us have said anything about continuing."

Laura nodded understanding what I meant.

"I'll just stay alone now. No hookups, nothing like that. I think it would do me good."

Suddenly Diego appeared at Laura's room door. He knocked and smiled at us.

"Morning. Hey 'Lia I just came to tell you that I'm going out and I won't be back till evening." Diego spoke.

"Okay. Have fun." I nodded and Diego waved before leaving as quickly as he had appeared.

"Well he was in a hurry." Laura laughed slightly. "But you said that you want to just be alone right now. No men, no hook ups, no nothing."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I guess I need to buy a new vibrator then. My old one broke." I laughed.

"What? How?" Laura laughed loudly.

"I turned it on and it made a huge nasty buzzing sound like it was about to blow up. I was angry before I even turned it on in the first place so that was the last straw. I threw it on the floor and I think it broke completely."

Laura was laughing loudly, water running down from her eyes because she was laughing so hard. "I can't believe it."

"Okay enough." I chuckled.

"Yes, sorry. But I think we need to get you a new one."

I nodded in agreement.

*Knock, knock,knock*

Another knock was heard from the door and it opened revealing Matteo and Massimo.

"Something is going on." Matteo said, his voice stern.

"What is it?" I stood up from the bed to face my brother and Massimo.

"Pack your bags. We need to leave." Massimo answered. "Now."

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