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**Sexual themes**

(Massimo's POV)

I picked her up by under her thighs. I walked up to the nearest rock and placed her to sit on top of it.

I made sure that she really wanted this. As much as I wanted this I would never do anything she didn't want to or if she had any doubts.

She answered. "I want this." That was the only thing I needed to hear.

"I will take your bikini bottoms off. Is that okay?" I asked, whispering.

She sucked in a breath and then nodded her head.

I looked deep in her brown eyes and she looked into mine. I then broke the eye contact and placed my hands on top of her thighs.

I hooked my fingers under the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

We had never gone further than heavily making out or once or twice her grinding herself against me. Now I was craving to taste her. To make her feel good.

I started to slowly pull her bikini bottoms lower and lower. And soon they were completely off and I placed them next to her on the rock so no sand would get to them.

I moved my gaze back to her face. No discomfort or doubts in sight.

"You are beautiful." I muttered and placed a kiss on her jawline. "You know that right."

"Mhm." She nodded and gave me a cheeky grin making me chuckle.

"Good girl. If you ever think that you aren't; come straight to me so I can remind you."

I lowered myself on my knees on the warm sand. My face being now on the same level with her stomach.

I opened her legs by her knees and placed my body between them. I started to place kisses on her stomach and abdomen. Not yet looking at her core. No. Not yet. First I will adore the rest of her body, then her pussy.

I looked at her face once in a while between the kisses. Her eyes fluttered open and then again closed.

Slowly my mouth traveled lower and lower.

I opened her legs and just when she thought I was going to put my mouth where she wanted it the most; I started placing open mouthed kisses on her inner thighs. Teasing her a little.

She sighed in frustration, making me smile against the tanned skin of her thighs.

I kissed and sucked her skin and then ran my tongue over the small red spots that I just left; soothing the skin.

The saltiness of the sea water was clear on her skin after she had just gone swimming in the sea. She tasted amazing.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes. Please Massimo." She whimpered and placed her hand on top of my head and ran her fingers through my hair.

She threw her head back and let out a moan of pleasure when she finally felt my lips on her clit.

I started to lick and suck her lips and clit. Drawing a trail with my tongue from her entrance to her clit. She tasted amazing.

With every lick and suck her moans grew louder. Lucky for us we were alone. No one could hear her.

"You taste so, so good 'Lia." I spoke against her.

"Shut up and continue." She groaned.

"Oh." I pulled away completely, making her snap her eyes open.

"Massimo. Don't stop." She whined.

"You won't get anything with that kind of attitude."

"Oh fuck, Massimo!" She groaned in annoyance and frustration. "Please just continue. I was getting close."

"Beg for it." I went back between her legs and started to slowly flick my tongue against her pink clit. Slowly... teasingly.

"Oh fuck... please Massimo! Please just make me cum." She moaned and threw her head back again.

"That's it. Such a good girl." I muttered and then continued.

After a few more minutes she started to get close. I could see and feel it.

"You gonna cum for me? Cum on my tongue?" I asked, quickening the pace of my tongue.

"Yes!" She screamed in pure pleasure. Her eyes shut tightly. Her knuckles turning white while she tried to get a hold of the rock under her. To get a hold of something to give her some kind of support.

And then she did.

Her legs trembled and she was moaning loudly. I helped her come down from her high, sucking her clit slightly. When she was done I stopped.

I placed small kisses on her thighs and massaged them. I then helped her pull her bikini bottoms back on.

My lips and chin glistened when I pulled off of her and stood up.

I wiped my chin with my fingers.

"You taste so fucking good." I grinned while I sucked my fingers clean.

She didn't say anything at first. She just leaned against the rock, breathing heavily while looking at me. It was making me a bit uneasy.

"What's on your mind? Is everything okay?" I questioned stepping closer to her.

She nodded and a smile formed on her lips. "I'm good."

"I'm glad. We have an hour. We can go swimming before we need to leave." I spoke, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Sounds good." She smiled.

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