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(Diego's POV)

I jogged up the stairs and up to my room and took my phone out of the bedside table drawer. I turned it on and saw two messages from Nolan.

'Hope everything's okay.'

'When you can, call me. I want to hear your voice.'

While I read the messages I couldn't help the smile forming on my face. I dialed his number, pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up. And after a few rings he did.

"Hi." I spoke up first.

"Hi Diego." Nolan answered. "How are you? Is everything okay?"

"I'm okay. We are all okay. Massimo doesn't tell a lot but he will at some point."

"So you don't even know why you're there or who's in danger?"

"Mhm." I hummed. "Massimo obviously knows why but doesn't tell us."

Nolan sighed. "Well, if not telling anyone keeps you and the rest of your family safe it's okay."

"That's true." I agreed. "Guess what?" I smiled.


"I just told them. I told my family about you. About us."

"Really? That's great!" Nolan answered and I could hear that he was smiling. "How did it go?"

"It went well. I was so fucking anxious at the beginning but in the end everything was good." I explained. "They were all happy and supportive of us. 'Lia said that you two had already met and talked?"

"Yeah. We met at the beach a while ago. She and her friend were there. Laura. While Cordelia and I talked a bit, my friends teached Laura how to surf."

"Did you like her? Cordelia?"

"Yeah she seemed nice. We didn't have that much time to talk but she seemed cool."

"I'm glad you liked her." I smiled. "All of them asked when they would be able to meet you."

"Really?" Nolan asked. "Can't wait to meet them properly."

"Nolan, I was wondering if I could take you out on a date after all of this is over? Like on a real date." I blurted out.

"Our first real date?" I could once again hear the smile on Nolan's face when he spoke.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Sounds good. I can't wait."


Diego ended the call a little later and he walked out of the room. He was walking down the hallway when Massimo walked up to him.

"What would you think if Nolan could come here with us? Since we don't know how long we'll have to stay here. I could sort out a car for him. My men will bring him here."

"What? Really?" Diego's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"I am." Massimo nodded. "It's better if you're together. Less worries for the both of you. But of course if you don't want to bring him into this, at least not yet, that's okay."

"I'll have to think about it. I'll tell you the answer tomorrow morning."

Massimo nodded and then continued walking down the hall. He took his phone out of his black dress pants pocket and checked it. No new information.

Massimo made his way to his room and shut the door behind him making sure no one could come in. He sat at a small writing table and opened one of the drawers. In the drawer a cream white envelope was hidden under an old telephone directory. Massimo picked up the directory and then the envelope.

He had gotten the envelope a year ago. It was set on top of his bed where he had found it.

Massimo took the envelope in his hands and turned it upside down. The cold piece of metal fell on his open palm.

A bullet.

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