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It was four in the evening when Cordelia stood in her room changing her clothes into a bikini that she and Laura chose yesterday night. Black bikini top with a very low neckline and a black high waisted bottom part. Around her hips she wrapped a white see through beach scarf.

Her and Massimo were going to meet half past four at his car.

'Lia made quick changes into her look and changed her hoop silver earrings into a simple pair of pearl earrings. And lastly she brushed her fingers through her long black hair and let it fall on her shoulders naturally.

And just like that it was time to go. 'Lia waved goodbye to Laura when she walked past her by the outdoor pool.

Cordelia walked out of the front door to the cobblestone pathway and saw Massimo’s matte black Bugatti parked a few meters from the door.

She walked up to the car and saw that Massimo wasn't there. So she waited. She glanced at her phone and it showed that after a few minutes it would be half past four.

"Are you ready?" Massimo’s voice came from behind 'Lia making her snap her head around to look at him.

He was wearing a black well sitting dress pants and a white a bit loose button up shirt and lastly black sunglasses.

Not a good outfit for the beach. Cordelia thought. 

She then nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Let's go then." Massimo walked on the passenger side of the car and opened the door for 'Lia to get in.

She gave him a small thank you and got inside the car and Massimo closed the door behind her.

Massimo started to drive and it didn't take long for them to get closer and closer to the beach.

Cordelia smiled when she saw the blue sea but then Massimo made a sudden turn on the left making her furrow her eyebrows.

“Massimo, the beach is that way.” She pointed the other way.

“I know.” He nodded. “We are going to the boat port.”

“Boat port?” She questioned. “I thought we were having a beach day.”

“We are, but not on that beach.” ‘Lia still wasn’t convinced and Massimo saw that so he spoke again. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” She then nodded her head.

The two drove ten minutes more before ‘Lia could see the sea again. But this time she could not only see the sea but dozens of boats too. The boat port.

Massimo parked his car in the parking lot and the two got out of the car.

Massimo put on his sunglasses and started to walk to the wharf and Cordelia followed next to him.

He walked determinedly past the boats, ships and then to the part where all the yachts were. Then he stopped and started to talk to a man.

Cordelia looked at the yacht next to them. It was Massimo’s yacht. She has been on it many times.

"Your yacht?" She questioned. 

"Yes." Massimo turned to look at her and nodded. "It will bring us to the beach."

"Very well then." 'Lia smiled and walked on the yacht Massimo right behind her. She climbed the stairs up and walked straight to the top deck and sat down.

“The ride is going to be pretty long.” Massimo said and sat next to her on the deck.

‘Lia nodded. “It’s okay. We aren’t in a hurry.” She flashed him a smile.

The yacht started moving and minute by minute they moved further and further away from the boat port.

When they had sailed for ten minutes a woman walked on the deck and brought them both a glass of champagne and a bowl of cherries and strawberries.

“For this day.” Massimo raised his glass and the two raised a toast. 

“So. Where are we going exactly?” ‘Lia asked and took a sip from her champagne. 

“On a beach. It’s a beach that I own. No one else will be there. It’s going to be just the two of us. But the yacht can’t take us all the way to the shore because the water is too shallow. Have you ever driven a jet-ski?”

“No I haven’t.” Cordelia shook her head.

“Okay. So we are going together.”

“You, Massimo Torricelli, have ridden a jet-ski?” ‘Lia gave him a teasing smile.

“Yes. And I’m surprised you haven't since you have been living your whole life under the same roof with me.”

‘Lia laughed. “What? Are you saying that you have a passion for riding a jet-ski?”

“Don’t you remember how obsessed I was with those things when I was a teen?” Massimo asked and popped a cherry in his mouth.

“Oh I do.” She nodded. “But I don’t remember ever seeing you actually being on one.”

Massimo chuckled. “Probably because when you were on the beach you had always your eyes glued to the sand trying to find seashells.”

“Touché.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.

A silence fell over the two and they just watched the boats go by and the seagulls flying in the sky above them. Before Massimo broke the silence.

“I have missed this. Missed you.” He turned to look at the woman beside him.

“Me too.” ‘Lia answered. “You have been so busy. I miss how things were before.”

Massimo nodded. “But we are here now.” He nudged her shoulder gently.

“Yeah.” She smiled and nodded.

“I’m gonna go change. It’s not long until we are there.”

Massimo left and after five minutes he came back wearing only a pair or black swimming shorts and his sunglasses on his head. He had probably left his clothes in the bedroom of the yacht. 

He sat back down on the deck and drank the last bit of his champagne. 

The yacht started to slow down and then it stopped completely. Probably twenty meters away from us was a beach with big rocks surrounding it.

“It can’t go any further so we have to get off now. Come.” Massimo spoke.

They both stood up and walked down from the deck and to the back of the yacht where a man was waiting for them.

The man was putting the jet-skies to the water and making them ready for us to drive.

“We are only taking one.” Massimo told the man who nodded. Massimo then skilfully hopped on the black and white jet-ski.

'Lia looked down at Massimo hesitantly. 

Massimo reached his hand out for her to take.

"Take my hand. I'm not going to let you fall." He reassured her.

Slowly 'Lia placed her hand in his much bigger one and Massimo gently pulled her to sit behind him on the jet-ski.

"Then just wrap your arms around my waist and hold on. I'm not going to go fast since it’s your first time. Okay?"

She nodded. "Okay." Then she remembered something. "Wait." She said quickly before Massimo could start the jet-ski.

"What?" He glanced behind him over his shoulder.

"How about your phone in your pocket?"

"I left it in the bedroom of the yacht. Today there are going to be no phones. Just us. Are you ready now?"

"Yeah. Let’s go." She nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. 

Massimo started the jet-ski and slowly drove forward to get away from the yacht. 

"Now hold on. We are going to be on the shore in about five minutes."

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