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"Okay." Massimo nodded and put his phone away. "Tell us."

Diego stood in front of his family. He looked at all of them and took a big breath in. Now everyone was looking at him. Matteo had woken up from his nap as well. Now he just has to open his mouth and say it.

"You can tell us." 'Lia smiled and Matteo nodded in agreement.

Diego took one more breath in before starting.

"I met someone."

"Okay." Matteo nodded.

"We have been seeing each other and we started dating a week ago. We are taking things slow."

"Okay. What's her name?"

"We'll there's no-" Diego muttered. He was so anxious and a bit scared.

"It's okay." Matteo chuckled slightly. "You can tell us. We won't judge."

"She's actually a he." Diego whispered, finally getting the words out of his mouth. "I met this man in a club. His name is Nolan."

'Lia's eyes widened. "The man you were staring at the club."

Diego nodded his head.

'Lia jumped up from the couch and pulled Diego into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you. I have met him and he's a good man."

"Have you met him?" Diego's eyes widened.

"Mhm." 'Lia nodded. "Me and Laura went to the beach a while ago. He was there and he came to talk. I recognized him from the club. I was being careful since I didn't know the reason why you were staring at him. But now I know. I'm so, so happy for you." She smiled brightly and hugged him again.

"Matteo?" Diego turned to look at his older brother. He hasn't said anything yet.

Matteo got up and walked up to Diego. Without a word he pulled his little brother into a hug. "I'm happy for you brother. Thank you for telling us. When can we meet him?" He smiled, making Diego smile too.

"I hope as soon as all of this is over. I guess now it's better that we are not together. He is probably safer that way."

"Was he the one you were with when I called you to come here?" Massimo asked, making Diego nod. "Can't wait to meet him." Massimo grinned and patted Diego's back.

"How is he like? How did you meet properly?" Laura asked.

"Well the first time I saw him was at that club. We then walked past each other once at the town and he approached me and told me that he liked my outfit and found me handsome. He asked for my number and I gave it to him."

"Ah that's so cute." 'Lia smiled widely. "Is that necklace from him?"

Diego touched the silver ray pendant tangling from the chain around his neck. "Yeah." He nodded with a small smile on his face. "His favorite animals are Manta rays so he wanted to buy me a necklace. A little memory of him when we're not together. I know we haven't known each other for long but I have never felt like this with anyone. It feels... so right to be with him. I have never believed in soulmates but now that I have met him, I think I'm starting to believe."

'Lia leaned her head on the side to rest it on Diego's shoulder. "I'm so happy you told us. We're all so happy and proud."

Diego wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her.

"Massimo I was wondering..."


"Would it maybe be okay if I called him? To Nolan." Diego asked. "I know we can't open our phones but I was still wondering if-"

"Yes. I think that's fine." Massimo nodded, interrupting Diego before he could start over thinking things again. "This is a big day. And you need his support. Did the two of you plan that you would be telling us soon?"

Diego nodded his head.

"Then I'm sure he's interested to hear how it went." Massimo smiled slightly.

"Go and call him." Matteo patted Diego's back.

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