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(Cordelia's POV)

"Did it work? Did anything happen?" Laura asked when I walked to her room.

"No. It was close, though." I sighed.

"Well this was just day one. Let's give it a little more time."

"You're right." I nodded. "But I need to go now. I'm going to one of the clubs with him."

"Does he want me to come with you two?"

"I don't think so. At least he didn't say anything about you." I shrugged.

"Yes!" Laura cheered and sat on her bed making me chuckle.

"I think it might be something more serious since he didn't want you with us."

"I really don't care." Laura shook her head. "I don't want anything to do with him, his business or any of this."

"That's good. Believe me when I say this Laura. This is a very dangerous lifestyle. Even one wrong word to the wrong person and you will be dead."

"So you have known Massimo your whole life?" She asked.

"Yes. We grew up together. Our families are good friends and they have worked together for a hundred years. I have always lived like this so I know what it is like and what to do. I don't know any different life so I can't long for it."

Laura nodded her head understandingly.

"I really need to go now to get ready. If I don't see you after we come back from the club I'll see you in the morning."

We said goodbye and I went to my room to get ready. I put on a white dress that ended on my knees, white heels and some silver jewelry. Lastly I just brushed my hair, not feeling like doing anything special to it.

When I was ready I left the house and sat inside the car that is going to drive us there.

Massimo was already inside the car and to my surprise so was Matteo and Diego.

I sat next to Massimo while my brothers sat opposite of us.

"Have you waited for me for long?" I asked when the driver started the car and drove off.

"Few minutes. You're good." Matteo gave me a smile.

"When we get there I'm going to go talk to that guy with Matteo. You stay on the club's side as long as we come back."

"Sure." Both me and Diego nodded.


We arrived at the club. Matteo and Massimo left me and Diego to go to talk about some business.

I glanced at my left where Diego was.

And I should have known it. Like usual; Diego had disappeared. Probably saw some girl he's going to bring home with him tonight.

'Well since I'm alone now I could at least do something fun.' I thought in my head.

And that's what I did.

I walked to the bar and ordered one drink. I sat down on one of the bar stools and slipped the drink.

I ordered another one and after I was done with that I started to get tipsy. I got up and walked on the dance floor swaying my hips.

The song changed and more people walked on the dance floor and started to dance.

I moved my body to the beat of the music and swayed my hips.

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