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When the five arrived back home everyone felt relieved. Diego went and called Nolan and disappeared into his room to talk, Matteo went to sleep in his own room and Massimo went to the living room. Laura grabbed 'Lia's hand and pulled her outside to the terrace.

"Can you explain what happened? Are you and Massimo now on good terms again?" She asked and sat down on an outside couch.

'Lia nodded before sitting down next to her. "A woman named Anna wanted Massimo as her own. She told him that she would do anything to get him. Anything. and since she knew Massimo and I had a thing, she wanted to get rid of me. Massimo then started to push me away to keep me safe. And so he picked you."

"So you're saying that Massimo never actually wanted me but just forced himself to pick some other woman so this Anna woman would think that he's not interested in you anymore?" Laura asked.

"Something like that." 'Lia nodded.

"And now when he explained this all to you... that means that I can leave?"

"I... I didn't even think about that." 'Lia grew silent. "I guess so."

"It feels weird to think about that. I have been here for quite some time after all."

'Lia nodded in agreement. "I kind of don't want you to leave." She smiled slightly. "I have grown to really like you. I don't have a lot of girl friends... not at all. It has always been just my brothers, Massimo and me."

"It doesn't mean that we won't stay in contact even if I leave."

"'Lia." Massimo walked outside and up to the two. He gave a small nod to Laura before turning to 'Lia.

"I'm booking us a hotel room." He explained.

"Okay. But why?"

"I think we need time alone to talk."

"Hmm true." She nodded.

"I know we just came home and now we're leaving again but this will only be a night or two."

'Lia turned to face Laura again who was now smiling at her. "You sure you won't get bored?"

"Bored?" Laura laughed. "Bored in here by the pool and laying on a sunbed on the terrace and with amazing foods made by chefs. Girl, go. I'm going to be just fine. Plus, Matteo and Diego are here and they're nice."

'Lia smiled before nodding her head. "You're right. So we'll be gone for a night or two."

"If I have gotten to know Massimo or you at all, it will be a few thousand euro suite rather than just a hotel room."

Massimo shook his head but smirked a little.

"Most likely yes." 'Lia agreed with a chuckle. "Bye then." The two women hugged.

"Go and talk. Text me tomorrow morning and tell me how it went."

"I promise." 'Lia nodded and then sat up and left with Massimo. "Bye."


Both 'Lia and Massimo packed a bag with all the essentials for a night or two before Massimo started to drive them towards the hotel. And Laura guessed right. It wasn't just any hotel but one of the most expensive in the city. Massimo helped her out of the car before wrapping his arm around her waist when they walked in the building. They got the keys and moved to the floor 22 where their room was.

Massimo opened the door to their room and let Cordelia walk in first before joining her and closing the door behind them.

The floor was made out of white and brown marble. A big bed with the same marble on the wall behind the headboard. Two white armchairs with a round table placed neatly in front of a big window. On the ceiling above the bed a circle lamp giving a nice warm glow.

 On the ceiling above the bed a circle lamp giving a nice warm glow

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"Is it good?" Massimo asked when he came to stand behind 'Lia.

"You're so extra." She teased him. "But I love it. And I love the room as well."

"Let me show you something else."

Massimo led her further into the room and there was a small bar with different very expensive alcoholic drinks behind the counter.

"Water is also available since you don't drink alcohol that much." He explained. "And that door by the chairs leads into a bathroom."

"I'm sure we'll like it here and stay comfy." 'Lia smiled.

"It's late. We should go to bed. Are you okay with sharing the bed? Now when we're able to do that."

"Can we catch up on cuddles that we have missed for almost two years?"

Massimo was slightly surprised by her suggestion but then smiled slightly. "We can." He nodded.

"I'm going to take a shower first."

"Do you want company?"

"Maybe tomorrow." She winked and took her showering things from her bag before disappearing into the bathroom.

Massimo chuckled slightly and sat on the armchair. He closed his eyes and sighed.

After fifteen minutes the water stopped running and a few minutes after that 'Lia walked out of the bathroom with a white hotel towel wrapped around her body. Massimo opened his eyes but didn't get up from his relaxed position on the chair. He just smiled when 'Lia glanced at his direction.

"Did you like the bathroom?" He asked.

"Mhm." 'Lia nodded her head. "It was beautiful. Like this whole room. Are you taking a shower?"

"No. I took one before we came here. I'm just going to change. Are you hungry?"

"A bit, yes. But I'm sure the kitchen for the room service isn't open anymore at this hour."

"It's not. But it is for me."

'Lia rolled her eyes playfully. "Should we just be like any other guests in this hotel and wait till morning?"

"I'm not letting you go to sleep hungry. Now tell me, what do you feel like eating?"

"Maybe a ham and cheese toast and some fruit juice."

Massimo nodded and called the room service. And only five minutes later 'Lia's food came. 'Lia thanked the man bringing the food and apologized for the bother this late at night. The man just shook his head and said that it was no bother at all. "Anything for Massimo Torricelli and his companion." He said before hurrying out of the room.

"You just have this whole city wrapped around your finger." 'Lia spoke while taking a bite of her toast.

"Is that still a surprise?"

She shook her head. "No, I guess not. Just something I remember and always can't help but wonder when seeing people do whatever you want. Even the cops."

After 'Lia had eaten, she and Massimo went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and change into their nightwear and then got in the bed and under the blankets. 'Lia rested her head on his bare chest and Massimo had his arms wrapped around her.

"Good night amore." He kissed the top of her head and brushed her long black hair off of her face.

"Good night." 'Lia whispered tiredly before closing her eyes completely and relaxing in his arms.

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