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**Sexual content**

‘Lia woke up in the morning to the sun shining into the hotel room through the curtains of the big window.

She tried to change position but then found out that she couldn't. Massimo’s arms were wrapped tightly around her. She still managed to wiggle her way around so she was now laying on her back. She smiled. ‘Lia couldn't even remember the last time she and Massimo cuddled in a bed together.

Massimo felt her moving and moved his head on her chest. ‘Lia smiled softly and ran her fingers through his dark hair. Massimo let out a deep humm sound. “Don’t stop.” He muttered under his breath. She chuckled softly and continued to gently massage his scalp.

“Do we have anything planned for today?” ‘Lia asked in a soft voice. 

“No.” Massimo muttered. “What time is it?”

‘Lia glanced at the clock on the wall by the door. “It's nine. I think we missed the breakfast.”

“We didn't. Here it's open until half past ten. If we get up now we can eat in peace. Not like they would kick me out anyway.”

“Maybe we should get up then.”

“Five more minutes.” Massimo whispered and buried his face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her natural scent. “I love how you smell… and taste.” He smirked against her neck before kissing it.

A shiver ran down ‘Lia's back and she closed her eyes. “We should really go.”

“Are you hungry? I am.” Massimo bit her neck slightly. 

“I am.” She nodded. “I only ate the toast last night. Come on. Let’s get dressed.” ‘Lia got up from the bed, making Massimo mutter something under his breath.


Both of them got up, dressed and walked out of the room to go eat breakfast in the hotel restaurant. 

Both of them got some looks when they walked in but Massimo just wrapped his arm around ‘Lia's waist and pulled her against his side.

People didn't dare to look too long so they quickly got back to eating. After breakfast they went back to their room. Massimo opened the door for her and watched ‘Lia walk in.

“I don’t really feel like going anywhere right now. Can we just stay in?”

“We can.” Massimo nodded his head. “I’m going to take a shower.”


Massimo then grabbed a towel and his black hygiene pouch before walking in the bathroom without bothering to close the door completely. ‘Lia on the other hand took this time to grab her phone and message Laura.


Hi. Everything is good. We just came back from breakfast.


That’s good. I ate breakfast with your brothers and Nolan who came here this morning. How did the night go?


The night went great. We shared the bed and fell asleep together.


Did you fuck yet?


Omg Laura! No we did not!


Okay? But you want to? Right?


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