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(Cordelia's POV)

Things weren't going well for me at all. When the plane landed and I was walking down the stairs I suddenly started to feel dizzy. It was weird since I was completely fine a few minutes ago. I didn't know if it was the sun or what but suddenly I felt like shit.

Domenico was already on the ground and luckily he was.

There were only two steps left before I would be on the ground. But when I took my last steps down my vision suddenly went blurry and I stumbled down the steps.

Domenico saw this and moved quickly. He ran in front of me and I fell in his arms before I could hit the hard congregate of the airport.

"Stai bene?" He asked and helped me to my feet when my vision cleared and I could stand on my own again.

I nodded. "I'm okay. Thank you." I gave him a small smile.

Laura hurried next to me, took my brown handbag in her hand and helped me to the car that was already waiting for us.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked when she closed the car door behind us. She took a water bottle from inside her bag and handed it to me.

"I don't know. I just suddenly started to feel dizzy. My vision went blurry and I stumbled on the stairs." I explained while rubbing my temples with my fingers. Laura handed me the water and I took a sip.

The door on Laura's side opened revealing Matteo and Diego.

"Are you okay 'Lia? We saw what happened." Diego asked.

I nodded and gave them a small smile.

"We will go to the hotel and you will rest." Matteo told before gently closing the door.


What Matteo said about a hotel couldn't have been further from the truth. But then again knowing Massimo he won't stay in a hotel.

The place where we were staying was a big beach house with a pool on the green yard. Six rooms, seven bathrooms, a huge patio, gym and a lot more.

"Remind me again how many days are we staying?" Laura said from next to me while we looked around the house.

"Three days." I answered her shaking my head but a small smirk played on my lips. "Massimo won't stay in hotels."

Massimo, Domenico and my brother's didn't have a meeting until the next morning so they were staying at the house and discussing the business.

Me and Laura on the other hand changed and decided to lay down by the pool and after that went back to our rooms to change, planning to go to the town that was five minute drive away. But Laura canceled at the last minute so I decided to go alone.

I changed into a black silk dress that ended just under my knees. I slipped on my black heels and applied some mascara.

I left my room and walked down the hall.

Massimo walked out of one of the rooms.

When he walked past me and brushed his knuckles gently over my cheek my eyes widened. I quickly grabbed his wrist, making him stop and turn to look at me.

"We need to talk. Right now." I said sternly. The town could wait for a bit but this couldn't. Not anymore.

I could see from his face that he was going to say no at first but when he saw my expression he agreed.

I have said many times that I'm done. But this is the final. This is the last time. I'm finally done with this game.

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